Driving Circular Economy Through Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Designing Framework Through Literature Review

Driving Circular Economy Through Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Designing Framework Through Literature Review

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7664-2.ch023
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There is varied and uncoordinated agreement on the true meaning of circular economy (CE) and sustainable supply chain SSC among scholars. Nevertheless, this concept is vital because it attracts the business community and policymakers to harness their efforts toward a sustainable circular economy. Based on the above discourse, this study incorporates literature discussion methodology to unpack the two interlinking concepts. The main objective of this literature study is to develop a framework for driving a circular economy through sustainable supply chain management. The literature study also aims to address the following secondary objectives: (a) to conceptualize what circular economies and sustainable supply chain management in modern-day business, (b) to establish the drivers of circular economies and sustainable supply chains, and (c) to establish the relationship between sustainable supply chain and circular economy.
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Background To The Study

The terms circular economy and sustainability have recently gained much attention from industry policymakers, and scholars. There remains some ambiguity regarding the similarities and differences between the two terms (Geissdoerfer et al., 2017a s; Nikolaou et al., 2021; Bianchini et al., 2019). Cecchin et al. (2021) also highlight that the distinction of these concepts assists in identifying preventative measures for detecting and reducing potential CE barriers. Furthermore, Velenturf & Purnell, (2021) posits that quantifying CE permits the adoption of solutions as well as makes it possible to monitor risks associated with CE investments and support the decision-making process.

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