Drifting on the Web

Drifting on the Web

Lila Luchessi, Ana Lambrecht
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9715-5.ch024
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The expansion of social networks worldwide generates the need for their study from an interdisciplinary perspective. In Argentina, the use of digital social networks led state agencies to share public and management information through them, becoming increasingly present in these new platforms. The advantages that are visualized on their uses seem to be clear and multiple. However, the actions that are carried out in them involve certain legal conflicts, which a priori may go against principles applicable to the Argentina Public Administration and of the countries that legally protect the data of their citizens. It is proposed to carry out an analysis from a legal-communicational approach that refers specifically to analyzing the use of social networks in the state with respect to compliance with the regulations regarding the protection of personal data as opposed to the expressive right and regarding the obligation of the state as guarantor of the protection of personal data.
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Social Networks

When we talk about “social networks”, it is important to consider them as a wide concept and a tool with countless facets. Before examining in detail the digital platforms, which enable interactions among users, it should be said that networks are previous to the appearance of digital technologies; that communities, are articulated in a relational manner, that they are centrally based on connections, and that interactions are their fundamental feature.

Passing now to the analysis of platforms, Fernando Tomeo refers to them as “…Internet Sites (digital platforms), which enable users to show their profiles, upload photos, tell personal experiences, chat with friends, and, in general, share and exchange all types of contents (information, opinions, comments, photos, videos)” (Tomeo, 2010) (Own translation).

Then, it should be possible to say that these virtual sites, which are a vehicle to social communication, allow people to share and exchange contents and enter into free relationships with other users, which enable them to connect and interact on the Internet. In this way, we could refer to convergent communities in digital interaction.

To a greater or lesser extent, platforms increase their popularity and their function is no longer reduced to being mere communication channels. Their use may be analysed from many perspectives: from the technical point of view, as to the incalculable amount of information circulating; from the economic point of view, as to the continuous amount of money these data and information generate; from a psycho-social point of view, as to the sense of belonging and omnipresence they create when people engage with other people -known or unknown to them- from around the world, whether on a social, work-related or personal level, among others.

The power and growth of these virtual platforms focuses on the storage of information and personal data. This also enables them to create algorithms to determine the preferences of the users, and to develop specific segmentations based on consumption patterns. (Tomeo, 2012).

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