Does Gamification Affect Customer Brand Engagement and Brand Value Co-Creation?

Does Gamification Affect Customer Brand Engagement and Brand Value Co-Creation?

S. Baranidharan, J. Sharon Sophia, Chippy Mohan
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0019-0.ch013
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The study examines the relationship between gamification and customer brand engagement, focusing on its impact on brand value co-creation. It analyzes various studies published between 2013 and 2023, revealing that gamification positively influences brand engagement by fostering active participation, emotional connections, and increased motivation. It also facilitates brand value co-creation by encouraging consumers to actively contribute to brand development, innovation, and advocacy. Design considerations like game mechanics, aesthetics, and personalized experiences are crucial for maximizing gamification's impact on customer engagement and brand value co-creation. The review identifies potential moderating factors, such as consumer characteristics, cultural differences, and industry-specific dynamics, which may influence the effectiveness of gamification strategies.
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In the present exceptionally cutthroat business scene, building solid associations with clients is principal for brands trying to flourish and succeed. The approach of innovation and advanced stages has altered the manner in which organizations collaborate with their clients, opening up new open doors for commitment and worth creation. One arising approach that has acquired critical consideration is gamification, which bridles game components and mechanics to upgrade client encounters and drive wanted ways of behaving. This study plans to investigate the effect of gamification on client brand commitment and brand esteem co-creation. Gamification alludes to the utilization of game plan standards, like prizes, difficulties, and rivalry, in non-game settings to rouse and draw in people. By integrating components of play and intelligence into different parts of a client's excursion, gamification can possibly make vivid and charming encounters that enrapture and spur clients. It gives brands a one-of-a-kind chance to connect more deeply with their target audience, increase customer engagement, and build customer loyalty. Jun, F., et. al. (2020). Afi, F. E., & Ouiddad, S. (2021). García-Magro, C. et. al. (2023)

Client brand commitment is a critical consider the present showcasing scene. Drawn in clients are bound to foster close to home associations with a brand, effectively take part in brand-related exercises, and supporter for the brand among their groups of friends. They are additionally more ready to co-make esteem with the brand by giving input, thoughts, and content. Connected with clients become brand envoys, spreading positive informal exchange and adding to the brand's general standing and achievement. Khalilnejad, S.,et. al. (2020). Leclercq, T. et. al. (2018).

Brand esteem co-creation is another idea acquiring noticeable quality in showcasing writing. Recognizing that customers are not passive recipients of value but rather active contributors, it places an emphasis on the collaborative and interactive nature of value creation. Co-creation exercises include including clients in the plan, advancement, and conveyance of items, administrations, and encounters. Brands can use the unique insights, skills, and creativity of their customers to co-create more relevant, meaningful, and personalized offerings by engaging customers in co-creation. The connection among gamification and client brand commitment as well as brand esteem co-creation is a generally neglected region in the writing. While there is a developing group of exploration on gamification and its effect on client conduct, restricted consideration has been given to its particular impacts on client commitment and brand esteem co-creation. Thusly, this study intends to connect this examination hole and give a thorough comprehension of the impact of gamification on these significant components of brand-shopper connections. Wu, X., Liu, C., & Hu, B. (2022), WANG, Z. (2021).

By inspecting an extensive variety of writing distributed somewhere in the range of 2013 and 2023, this study tries to recognize key discoveries and experiences connected with the effect of gamification on client brand commitment and brand esteem co-creation. The chose time span guarantees the consideration of late examinations and the thought of developing patterns and practices in the field. The survey will envelop different ventures and settings to give a far reaching and vigorous investigation of the topic.

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