Does Bilingualism Expand the Cognitive Experience of the Students?: A Case Study in Early Childhood Education

Does Bilingualism Expand the Cognitive Experience of the Students?: A Case Study in Early Childhood Education

María Bobadilla-Pérez, Suellen Pereira-Balado
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2503-6.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter shows the results of a study carried out in an immersion early education classroom in Galicia (Spain). The study focuses on how children in a bilingual context develop their perception of the world according to the concepts they are able to build around things in their environment, using the language as a reference. A brief theoretical framework precedes the presentation of the study. On the one hand, attention is paid to the pedagogical implications of second language acquisition in early childhood. Secondly, and most importantly, the nature of the bilingual brain is discussed through the consideration of the works of relevant authors in the field. Later, the case study is explained. For the purpose of the qualitative research, participants were presented with different images to be described in English and Spanish, and an observation table was designed in order to classify the utterances produced by the students. As will be discussed, results showed that students in immersion educational contexts increase their sense of the world when using both languages.
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Second Language Acquisition in the Early Childhood

As with any educational approach, immersion approaches in the Early Childhood need to be planned and strategically implemented in order for them to be effective. Immersion provides very young learners with significant and natural opportunities to acquire the L2. Immersion programs aim at promoting the natural acquisition of the L2, as opposed to consciously learning the language. But not only does it enable the development of the competence in the “vehicular language”, but it has also been proven that immersion heightens mental flexibility and creative thinking skills, as well as metalinguistic awareness, and better communicative sensitivity (Lazaruk, 2007). McLaughlin, Rossman and McLeod (1983) state that, although the implementation of such approaches may seem a challenge for preschoolers, repeated activation sequences help automate and regulate information processing more unconsciously, supporting the restructuring of the student’s language system. As observed in their study, incidental learning is what occurs when students pay peripheral (and non-focal) attention to some aspect of a task, which is precisely the way children in immersion programs acquire the language.

There are several strategic pedagogical implications that favor L2 acquisition in pre-school, according to Santrock (2005). It is recommended that teachers focus on natural development, the use of repetition and imitation techniques, and stimulation of the senses and allowing the play and manipulation of objects. As young people develop and reach the preoperative level (two to seven years of age), teachers should develop confidence, continue to allow manipulation of objects, use positive reinforcement, encourage questions, provide simple drawings and stories and stimulate the senses. All these strategies and techniques were observed during the teaching and learning process in the case study.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Bilingual Sense of the World: It refers to the process of how bilingual individuals verbally represent the world around them as opposed to monolingual ones.

Second Language Acquisition: Unconscious process of internalizing a second language as opposed to learning it in a conscious way.

Very Young Learners: Language students in early childhood education.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Taxonomy of educational objectives based on cognitive abilities or skills.

Code Switching: Process of changing linguistic codes by bilingual individuals within the same utterance.

Bilingual Education: Educational system which enables students to become bilingual individuals by using an L2 as vehicular language during the teaching a learning process.

Immersion: Educational approach where students use an L2 throughout the whole teaching and learning process.

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