Distributed Renewable Power in Green Building: Planning and Construction Strategies

Distributed Renewable Power in Green Building: Planning and Construction Strategies

Saurabh Laledia, Harpreet Kaur Channi, Ramandeep Sidhu
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3735-6.ch002
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Green buildings using renewable energy are developing as the world pursues sustainability. This abstract covers distributed renewable power planning and construction for energy efficiency, conservation, and built environment sustainability. Distributed solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal for green buildings. Local generation lowers grid dependency in distributed energy systems. Site study, energy demand assessment, and renewable energy source selection for the building's needs and location are design aims. Smart grids and energy storage boost renewables. Energy-efficient passive design, sustainable materials, and creative architecture complement distributed renewable power sources throughout construction. Cost savings, renewable energy ROI, and green building's environmental advantages are examined. Renewable energy may boost green building safety, security, and ecology. Distributed renewable energy green buildings fight climate change and promote sustainability.
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Climate change and the demand for renewable energy have reshaped the building sector. “Distributed Renewable Power in Green Building Planning and Construction Strategies” is becoming more important as the world works towards a greener future. This introduction discusses the importance and goals of incorporating distributed renewable electricity into green building design and construction. “Green building” refers to planning, building, and operating facilities emphasizing environmental sustainability, energy efficiency, and decreased environmental impact. Green buildings and distributed renewable power technologies might transform energy generation, use, and management. Solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal energy are integrated into green construction projects to minimize fossil fuel usage, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy sustainability. Distributed renewable power systems enable buildings to generate some energy on-site, reducing transmission losses and energy resiliency (Singhal, 2019).

Green building design and construction using distributed renewable electricity aims to produce low-carbon, sustainable structures. These buildings may minimize their carbon footprint, alleviate environmental effects, and help fight climate change using renewable energy. This section discusses green building design and construction solutions that optimize distributed renewable power integration. It involves a site study to find the best renewable energy technologies, energy demand assessment, and technology selection based on the building's needs. Green building design and construction promote energy efficiency and environmental responsibility. Sustainable building materials, passive design, and intelligent building automation technologies boost green building energy efficiency and ensure compatibility with distributed renewable power systems. Green building planning requires the economic feasibility of distributed renewable electricity. This section discusses distributed renewable power's economic advantages and cost-effectiveness. It also considers the long-term effects of mass adoption.In conclusion, distributed renewable electricity in green building design and construction is essential to a more sustainable and resilient built environment. Green buildings may help mitigate climate change by integrating renewable energy sources with energy-efficient design practices (Mohanty, 2010).

In India, the IGBC (Indian Green Building Council) whips hand the construction and blueprint layouts of green buildings (Singhal,2019). The increase in population and the ever-growing demand for power have put a lot of strain on conventional power resources. As a result, electricity bills have experienced a major hike. Therefore, to resolve these problems and to protect the environment, green building construction is an ideal solution. Green building helps reduce energy consumption by providing green energy options and construction instead of standard building techniques. India has over one thousand reported projects with sustainable development at its epicenter. The building sectors consume an approximation of 30% power demand in the country (Streimikiene, 2020) . This percentage can be controlled or reduced by introducing green technology and sustainable building development. Before the construction of a green building, a lot of strategic planning has to be done, like the selection of site, waste management, building design, identifying the type of area, weather, plus smart energy-saving strategies that need to be implemented.

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