Distinguishing Leadership Between Islam and Conventional Perspectives

Distinguishing Leadership Between Islam and Conventional Perspectives

Muhammad Yamin Siregar, Ahmad Rafiki, Abdullah Almana
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6892-7.ch009
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The purpose of this study is to compare between conventional and Islamic leadership which have different styles, approaches, and views. It consists of viewpoints rather than empirical findings which are considered crucial in understanding comprehensively the whole concept of both leadership views. This would neglect some negative or misperceptions especially for the Islamic leadership approach. By discussing each of the elements and its content on both leadership views, further studies and researches could be conducted in order to examine or test those elements empirically. This could be beneficial for the practitioners or public figures who are the leaders in their workplaces for adopting or adapting some key principles from both leadership views. Some experiences of leaders in Muslim or non-Muslim countries will be included in this chapter, so that more arguments and examples could be implemented. In Islamic leadership, the Islamic teachings based on Al-Qur'an and Hadith are fundamental principles and the main sources for every discussion.
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1. Introduction

Studies on leadership have been progressed and discussed in multi disciplines and across sectors. Some issues emerged such as ethics, morality, soul and emotional intelligence which have been incorporated in leadership studies (Coleman 2002). Leadership itself can also be perceived differently if viewed from different perspectives especially from regional, religious, cultural, political and economic development sides. Some experiences can be seen on the conventional view or western view from countries such North America, Europe and the Australian-New Zealand Islands, while for the Islam view is like in Middle-East or Gulf countries. This comparison is crucial to provide additional rationalization required to understand the different decisions made and opinion expressed by the various leaders especially in this unpredicted business and social environment.

Leadership is one of the crucial ingredient and enabler to assist management in ensuring continuous improvement of an organization (Mawdudi, 1984). The understanding of its concept is thus very important because it helps to examine and analyse the related theories (Avolio & Gardner, 2005). The common view of leadership theories that have been discussed in the literature are differently introduced by the West such as Trait Theories, Behavioural Theories, Contingency Theories, The Path Goal Theory, Neocharismatic Theories (Gibson, 2001). These theories stress values that are peculiar, hedonistic and reasonable (Moten, 2011). Meanwhile, the great value to any individual or organization must be based on the positive values and manners. In Islam, the leadership concept viewed as an integrated doctrine which can be applied in every single activity in life. It is been thought that every individual is a leader for whoever under his/her responsibilities. Islam is very concern on leaders with heart (Qalb), means that every actions by the leaders must be based on his/her heart, which then the impact of those decision would be positive and constructive.

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