Discrimination of HIV-Positive Persons When Establishing an Employment Relationship

Discrimination of HIV-Positive Persons When Establishing an Employment Relationship

Ratomir D. Antonović
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4964-6.ch009
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The right to work is one of the basic human rights guaranteed in most modern states by the constitution as the highest legal act. Every person who is legally capable has the right to work and that right cannot be denied. However, in practice this is not the case. There are particularly endangered categories of the population who, despite constitutional and legal guarantees, cannot exercise their right to work due to various personal characteristics and traits. The basis for discrimination can be gender, age, religion, and nationality, as well as a certain disease that does not make a person incapable of work. The paper will pay special attention to people who are positive for HIV, and who suffer from a special type of social discrimination, degradation, and disrespect for their basic human rights due to this specific disease.
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The Concept Of Discrimination

When defining the concept of discrimination, it is assumed that discrimination is a form of destinction. Discriminatory behavior is behavior that is different towards a certain group of people with certain common characteristics. Discrimination against that particular group implies its expultion and exclusion from regular social flows, thus putting it in an inferior position. As can be seen from the term itself, discrimination is the antipode of human rights and is an obstacle to their realization and enjoyment. Discrimination can be based on gender (eg discrimination against women), racial (eg discrimination against certain races, such as blacks, African Americans, etc.), sexual (resulting from discrimination against LGBT people), national (discrimination against certain peoples and nations), on the basis of illness and disability, etc.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Discrimination: Is the act of treating person or group of people less fairly and equal than other people or groups, because of some of their attributes.

HIV Infection: Human Immunodeficiency Virus is the virus that attacks body’s immune system-attacking the cells which help body to fight with infection.

Homosexual and Bisexual Orientation: Sexual orientation at which people feel attracted for persons with same sex they belong, or attracted by both sex.

Employement: Working status of a person, it is agreement between person and other entity (mostly legal entity) that reduce responibilities, duties, salary and other arrangements.

AIDS: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is the chronic ill condition and can be life-threatening, and it is the last stage of HIV infection.

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