Discovering the Role of Artificial Intelligence in K12: The Future of Online Platforms

Discovering the Role of Artificial Intelligence in K12: The Future of Online Platforms

Armana Hakim Nadi, Syed Far Abid Hossain, Mussanna Ahmed Safin, Mahbuba Rahman Sofin, Rahma Akhter
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6829-3.ch018
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The purpose of this study is to explore AI (artificial intelligence)-enhanced teaching and learning in future educational development. The chapter is a representation of whether the future of online platforms will highly depend on AI or not. The study identified how students are affected by technology-enhanced AI as a future online platform. The study consists of qualitative research methodology approach where literature review is conducted to determine the future of online platforms with the help of robotic technology or AI. Results of the study revealed that the role of AI and the future of online platforms with the help of robotic technology has a significant effect on sustainable educational development. The study is limited to literature review only, and that may affect the generalizability of the result.
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Background Of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is the process of using organized and programmed machines to process and execute in the same way that a human does. Artificial intelligence has become an important part of many fields of study in the twenty-first century, including engineering, business, science, education, the stock market, and law and economics (Oke, 2008). It can also be defined as studying mental processes using computer models (Charniak, 1985). In the early 1950s, artificial intelligence (AI) was first deployed.Artificial intelligence combines three disciplines: psychology, which deals with cognitive processes, philosophy of mind, and computer science, which includes semantics, mathematics, and dialectics.

Over the years, the field of artificial intelligence has seen a dramatic rise in advancements in branching out and practicality (Akerkar,2014).It has shown itself to be a most important mechanism of people’slife, reinforcing daily community-based interests as well as economic events in mature economies like Japan and the United States of America, as well as developing countries like China and India (Lu,Li,Chen,Kim,&Serikawa,2017).Artificial Intelligence has concentrated on the growth of software to imitate human capabilities and brainpower such as reasoning, grasping, and natural language communication. With such created programs, they have gradually become a form of auxiliary to humankind (O'Hare & Jennings, 1996).

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