Dimension of Chemical Compounds of Atoms Metals With Atoms No Metals

Dimension of Chemical Compounds of Atoms Metals With Atoms No Metals

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3784-8.ch003
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The structures of compounds of a metal atom with ligands were studied by sequentially changing the groups and subgroups of the periodic system of elements in which the metal atom is located. It is shown that all metals from the first to the eighth groups form chemical compounds of a higher dimension. The formation of molecules of higher dimension occurs due to the chemical bonds of the metal atom with ligands both due to the influence of electron pairs and due to the attraction of ions. Moreover, the apparent valence of the metal atom, as a rule, exceeds the value of the valence determined by the location of the metal in the periodic table of chemical elements.
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The Structure Of The Compounds M2o

If the anomalous elements has one electron in the outer orbital s and subshell d completely (or almost completely) filled, then the element at the expense of s electron forms a linear molecule, such as a linear molecule oxide M2O, where M is the atom of metal (anomalous elements Cu, Pd, Ag, Pt, Au, Rg). However, due to the donor - acceptor bond linear molecule can form complex structures in the space. Can choose element Cu from second group of anomalous elements. Figure 1 shows an exemplary structure formed by linear molecules Cu2O

Figure 1.

The structure of the compound Cu2O. A black small circle is oxygen atom. A brown circle is copper atom.


Key Terms in this Chapter

N-Simplex: The convex polytope of dimension n in which each vertex is joined by edges with all remain vertices of polytope.

Tetrahedral Coordination of Electron Pairs: The location of the electronic pairs of the outer and the pre-outer electron layer at the vertices of the tetrahedron.

Undivided Electron Pair: A non-bonding electron pair belonging to one atom in a molecule.

Geometrical Image of a Chemical Compound: The geometrical image of a chemical compound (molecule) is a convex polytope, at the vertices of which atoms (or functional groups) are located. The edges of the polytope connecting the vertices correspond to the chemical bonds of the compound. The part of edges only carries a geometric function. They are necessary to give the molecule the image of a convex geometric figure. The dimension of the polytope is determined by the Euler-Poincare equation.

S- and P-Elements: The chemical elements in which is filling with electrons s- and p-orbitals of atoms.

Anomalous Elements: Transitional chemical elements in which the filling of the orbitals by electrons occurs with a violation of the experimental series of an increase in the energy of orbitals.

Transitional Elements: Chemical elements in which electrons fill d - and f -orbitals of an atom ( d - and f -elements).

N-Cross-Polytope: The convex polytope of dimension n in which opposite related of centrum edges do not have connection of edge.

Divided Electron Pair: The binding electron pair, which simultaneously belongs to two atoms in the molecule.

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