Digitization and Smart Tourism: Technological Opportunities for Luxury Tourism and Destination Image

Digitization and Smart Tourism: Technological Opportunities for Luxury Tourism and Destination Image

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8327-2.ch024
(Individual Chapters)
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Commitment to technology, sustainability, innovation, and accessibility has not only improved the quality of life but has also created a niche for luxury tourism with smart tourism eco-space. Smart tourism destinations (STD) need vigorous, well-connected stakeholders with the help of a technological platform for data exchange. Instant data exchange creates extremely large data sets known as big data. This chapter aims to contribute to the understanding on how smart tourism destinations could potentially enhance luxury tourism that is more personalized to meet visitors' unique needs and preferences. Developing smart tourism destinations can be an effective mode to engage all the stakeholders and tourists. In improving destination performance, smart tourism ecosystem applies social media analytics and smart tourism technologies. This chapter aims to relate local area as smart tourism local service systems (S-TLSS) and luxury tourism.
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Conceptualizing Luxury In Tourism And Hospitality

Luxury is the word derived from “luxus” which means gratification of senses. These days people come up with a behaviour of uniqueness where consuming a normal goods are no longer a priority. People have an experimental nature of wanting to have extra-ordinary goods and services. The uptrend visible in the luxury market can be the most meaningful example, especially in case of leisure and tourism where people seek for some different and unusual experience to visit. The transformation in the economic behaviour with giant IT revolution and industry competition tends the people to seek for differentiation (Verieeimo and Loureiro, 2012). Luxury is considered as the refined version of human needs which is different for every individual because of the human nature. The necessity to luxury is understood in a distinguished manner in various societies even if the needs are same. Luxury tourism is different from other luxury goods due to experiencing nature, comfort and leisure.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Stakeholder Engagement: A comprehensive process to engage relevant stakeholders with a purpose to attain agreed outcomes.

Smart Tourism Destinations: A destination facilitating technology embedded smart systems enhancing traveller experience through ICT-based techno environment.

Luxury Space: A rapidly changing and challenging space that demands new strategies and new model of business.

Smart Tourism Local Service Systems: A comprehensive approach which integrates stakeholders and other hospitality service providers in a technologically embedded platform with resource integration processes.

Living Lab Management: Living labs create an environment where stakeholders are engaging tourists and tourism providers in the process.

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