Digitalisation of Healthcare and the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions in Africa

Digitalisation of Healthcare and the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions in Africa

Ranson Sifiso Gwala, Pfano Mashau
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 28
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0928-5.ch008
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The research aimed to examine the effects of healthcare digitisation and the growing influence of the fourth industrial revolution in Africa. This study used a desktop literature review approach on the latest peer-reviewed journal articles on how digitalisation is influenced by the fourth industrial revolution in Africa. The findings of the study confirmed that digitalisation is the ongoing process that is taking shape daily in both public and private healthcare providers. This is fueled by the new available technologies that allow healthcare providers to provide better healthcare to their patients. However, there is also a growing gap between the poor and the rich, as well as the extent to which the poor access and benefit from the quantum leap in healthcare. This research brings to the fore issues on how technology can improve the lives of people. It shows the weaknesses of governments in providing a conducive environment for the public sector to grow seamlessly at the same pace as the private sector, hence creating two worlds, one for the rich and another for the poor.
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The Literature Review

Due to the effects of the fourth industrial revolution and Industry 4.0 technologies, the digital economy has expanded dramatically on a global scale. The inventions of the Third Industrial Revolution, also known as the Digital Revolution, which took place between the 1950s and the early 2000s and gave rise to the Internet, computers, and other electronics, are the foundation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). With the help of four fundamental disruptive technology types, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) also widely known as Industry 4.0 takes these inventions to new heights. These technologies can be implemented at every stage of the value chain.

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