Digital World of Cloud Computing and Wireless Networking: Challenges and Risks

Digital World of Cloud Computing and Wireless Networking: Challenges and Risks

Kapil Joshi, Rajani Sharma, Neelam Singh, Bharat Sharma
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7348-1.ch003
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Today's world is a new digital world where most of the things have moved online. As the digital world is enhancing, advancing, and evolving every day, various new and unique innovations and developments are rolling out in the IT industry. These innovations and developments are helping humans overcome existing problems, improve processes, and enhance the user experience by providing specific and personalized solutions to users. User needs are the main reason behind all this digital change and innovation. One such important innovation which has changed the digital world's face is known as cloud computing. Cloud computing is an internet-based service, which enables on-demand network access to share a collection of all configurable computational resources (such as servers, repositories, networks, applications, resources). As the amount of data is increasing day by day, the security of users' data has become a major and crucial concern to provide protected communication between users and the cloud service provider.
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It is evident that technology has integrated itself into our daily lives. We must confess that going without technology for a day would be challenging. Our lives are made simpler, more convenient, and more effective by technology (Hussain et al., 2018). Therefore, it is not surprising that many of the valuable businesses with the greatest global growth potential are technology firms.

Cloud computing is a term that involves the use of the internet and central distant servers for maintaining and storing and sharing data, resources, and applications. Therefore, before going to start the concept of cloud computing let’s first discuss the internet and some other important aspects which are used before cloud (White, 2012) computing.

Apart from this, Investors from all over the world have their eyes on stocks in the technology industry. The Nasdaq Composite Index shows that from August 2020, the index has increased by a remarkable 37.5%. Additionally, the technology sector has produced 5–6 times the returns on investments. Here we are describing the concept of the role of the internet.

Internet is the concept where a network of networks is interconnected to transfer information from one end to another. It’s a globally available system that uses the standardized communication protocol suite called TCP/IP to provide services to billions of users worldwide. It is a network of interconnected networks that (Sagiroglu & Sinanc, 2013) consists of public, private, academics, educational institutes, businesses, and government networks. The whole world is connected via the internet to exchange data, news, interest, and opinion (Leung & Zhang, 2016).

Definition of Cloud Computing by NIST

Cloud computing by NIST is a model for enabling ubiquitous convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., servers, storage (Cappa et al., 2021), networks, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management efforts or service provider interaction.

Our contribution is to establish the scope of digital market in cloud computing and wireless networking so in this article; we also compared the difference between the factors of cloud computing techniques and the era of wireless interface.

A total of five sections are discussed in this article. The first section is about the introduction of cloud computing. The second section is based on features of cloud computing (Yang et al., 2017). The information and data of big cloud companies and their services are described in the third section. The fourth section describes the challenges and risk of cloud computing and last section explored the conclusion through this article.

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