Digital Inequities and Digital Inclusion in Education: An Agenda for the Post-COVID-19 World

Digital Inequities and Digital Inclusion in Education: An Agenda for the Post-COVID-19 World

Babu George, Yaprak Dalat Ward, Elodie Jones
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4023-0.ch015
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COVID-19 exposed a wide range of challenges hidden unnoticed in the promise of digital education. Digital education was once promised as the grand equalizer of access and inclusion in education. However, the massive deployment of digital tools in the educational realm during COVID-19 provided significant counterevidence to this promise. If education is a fundamental right and if digital technologies are the only way to gain access to education, it is important that these technologies be made available to everyone for effective use. However, as COVID-19 would demonstrate to us, this has not been the case. There have been stark and widespread inequities in the availability and quality of digital technologies for education, and the need for purposeful efforts to bridge the gap was felt prominently. In the backdrop of COVID-19, this chapter identifies some of the key equity issues and proposes solutions to address them.
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Divides And Ways To Bridge Them: A Framework

Digital equity is “the” precondition for a just society in our times. The digital divide is an enemy of peace and manifests in economic, social, and cultural divides (Vishkaie, 2020). Digital inequities create the haves and the have-nots in the 21st century. The internet can create a just world; ironically, it ended up widening the gap between the rich and the poor (Norris, 2020). The three broad kinds of digital divides in education are:

  • Access Divide: Inequitable access to technologies and knowledge content

  • Use Divide: Inequitable training to use the available technologies

  • Leverage Divide: Inequitable preparation to make use of the knowledge content

In the light of these divides, the following conceptual framework encompasses the central problem of digital equity in education (See Figure 1):

Figure 1.

Digital transformation framework in education


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