Digital Evidence in Crime: A Case Study on Text Shared in Social Media

Digital Evidence in Crime: A Case Study on Text Shared in Social Media

Ersin Caglar, Deniz Ersalıcı, Luca Rivaldo Tonini
Copyright: © 2025 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7366-5.ch067
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This research was conducted to analyze the risk factors of online violent video games, relationship between these games and social media in terms of conducting crime, and techniques that might be used to prevent crime on social media text. The technique was tested with texts shared on Facebook posts. There are also some keywords used in most popular online violent video games. A sentence analyzer tool was developed in this research to test sentences taken from Facebook. The findings of the analysis were shared, and also the eligibility of the technique in term of preventing crime on social media was discussed.
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1. Introduction

The Internet is at once a worldwide broadcasting capability, a mechanism for information dissemination, and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers regardless of geographic location. The Internet represents one of the most successful examples of the benefits of sustained investment and commitment to research and development of information infrastructure. Beginning with the early research in packet switching, the government, industry, and academia have been partners in evolving and deploying this exciting new technology (Leaner et. al., 2009). With the development of the Internet, new terms like World Wide Web (WWW) and Uniform Resource Locator (URL) entered our life. World Wide Web (WWW) is a virtual environment that connects information with connections. The development of the Internet also creates new opportunities for users like web pages that contain information they want, personal assistants giving every answer to them in a few seconds, and also Internet communities which mean social media and chat and instant messaging (Goodwill Community Foundation, 2013).

According to another research (Allam et. al., 2014), the Internet creates new envy- ornament for users different from the real world they are living in. This digital space gives opportunity to users to create their identity on the Internet. Popularity and population are increasing every day, and from 2000 to 2012, its population increased by 566.4%, and the average age of active user population is between the ages of 18-34. The use of the internet has both positive and negative impacts on users. Accessing library collections and books online, communicating with other users, business transactions, and conducting research become easier for users. They can find the information that they want with one click without spending hours, or they can communicate with their relatives in a digital environment easily. These are some of the positive effects of the internet on users. However, it has some serious effects on users as well. Excessive use of the Internet can cause Internet addiction, which is the problem when there is too much relationship between user and machine, and it can cause serious problems in the normal life of users. Internet addiction can cause psychological, emotional, physical, and social problems. Also, it can diminish the effectiveness of the work of users. Based on these problems, social media is the major application to make these kinds of effects.

Social media is the general name given to interaction can- treed media-sharing platforms (Manning, 2014). These new types of platforms have 2 bases. While one-way communication Chan- news, which is the first base of the development of social media, helps to share media with the use of tools such as television and radio, the second base of development of social media started with the improvement of interactivity. Nowadays, one person can see updates on others’ life from one platform, send messages, communicate, and interact with their posts. This new media age makes people reach media types and information they want as many sources as possible. In the past, the only source for information was the ones around, but now, there are millions of sources with one click through an internet connection and technological device.

Another definition of social media is that it is a platform that is not about technology but sociology (Cheol 2012). According to this view, it is the place that gives people the opportunity to create their community. This community can include family only or a much wider community that creates an environment for users from all around the world. It is an independent area that allows its users to communicate with people with the same interests, habits, common interests, political actions, beliefs, profession, and location even if they don’t know each other from the real world. Users can present their ideas with their networks while they can also see others’ ideas, interact, communicate, and be connected with them. Social media makes the development of social networks as quick as it can be, and today, users can easily find new people and add them as a friend with one click.

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