Digital Ethics in Higher Learning Institutions: Challenges and Fostering Responsible Practices

Digital Ethics in Higher Learning Institutions: Challenges and Fostering Responsible Practices

Aliasan, Kusnadi, Muzaiyanah Muzaiyanah, Abdur Razzaq
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2865-1.ch004
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This study examines the ethical considerations and challenges related to digital technology in higher learning institutions, with a focus on intellectual property rights, database management, and the use of digital technology in education. The literature review and bibliometric analysis reveal a growing body of research focused on these topics, indicating the increasing importance of digital ethics in higher education. The study highlights the need for higher learning institutions to take a proactive and systematic approach to addressing digital ethics, by implementing appropriate policies and procedures, providing education and training to students, faculty, and staff, and promoting a culture of responsible and ethical technology use. The study also provides recommendations for higher learning institutions to promote digital ethics, including the development and implementation of comprehensive policies and procedures, ongoing education and training, and the establishment of a culture of digital ethics.
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Literature Review

This section describes with a comprehensive literature review of critical themes that underpin the ethical landscape in higher learning institutions. It delves into three pivotal topics: Intellectual Property Rights, Data Management, and Responsible Technology Use (Almunawar & Anshari, 2024; Mulyani et al., 2019). The integration of digital tools and platforms in academia has given rise to ethical considerations that demand attention (Razzaq et al., 2018; Al-Sharif, 2013). As the study navigates the issue of intellectual property, it explores the challenges associated with preservation creative outputs, including research papers, presentations, and multimedia resources. Simultaneously, the ethical implications of data collection and analysis in educational settings are scrutinized, focusing on concerns related to privacy, consent, and the responsible management of vast student datasets (Barzman et al., 2021). The literature review also discusses the discourse surrounding the responsible use of information and technology, examining the multifaceted dimensions of social media, online communication, and information literacy (Samiha et al., 2021). By critically engaging with the existing body of knowledge on these topics, this section lays the foundation for an understanding of the ethical imperatives in the digital landscape of higher education.

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