Digital Diorama: An Interactive Multimedia Resource for Learning the Life Sciences

Digital Diorama: An Interactive Multimedia Resource for Learning the Life Sciences

Annamaria Poli, Annastella Gambini, Antonella Pezzotti, Alfredo Broglia, Alessandra Mazzola, Sabrina Muschiato, Carlo Emilio Standoli, Daniela Zambarbieri, Fiammetta Costa
Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 31
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2616-2.ch003
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Digital technologies that increase communication among students/users are viewed as interactive resources for enhancing learning, especially in the field of science teaching. The new digital mission is to produce innovative learning environments and educational tools to enhance the traditional teaching methods still widely used today. The Digital Diorama project reproduces a set of Natural History Museum dioramas for IWBs and other electronic devices. Using the Digital Diorama enhances cooperative learning. This comes from the students/users' explorations of the Digital Diorama and from strategies that we recommend to teachers.
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The Digital Diorama research project proposes using digital technologies in schools as a resource for boosting cooperative and collaborative learning, mainly in relation to scientific knowledge and the use of ICT (Information Communication Technology). Such tools offer great potential for schools at all levels of education and open up new prospects for teaching/learning in many fields. In addition, advances in the computer sciences are contributing to the development of increasingly sophisticated educational technologies.

If they are appropriately used, and applied following socio-constructivist teaching methods, the new devices can help meet the widely recognized challenges of the contemporary knowledge society, such as providing for lifelong learning, or fostering young people's interest and motivation in order to achieve the learning outcomes required for everyday life1. Specifically, virtual learning environments can become places in which to experience active enquiry, teaching practices, and interaction with learning contents, as well as places for enhanced interpersonal relationships, discussion and sharing (Ghislandi, 2012).

In these learning environments, each learner is an active and involved member of a community, who helps to complete tasks or joint projects, and contributes his/her own experience, knowledge and skills to build collective knowledge (Herrington, Reeves, & Oliver, 2014).

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