Differential Privacy Techniques-Based Information Security for Cyber Physical System Applications: An Overview

Differential Privacy Techniques-Based Information Security for Cyber Physical System Applications: An Overview

A. Kanagaraj, S. Sharmila, A. Finny Belwin, A. Linda Sherin, Antony Selvadoss Thanamani
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9308-0.ch004
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A cyber physical system (CPS) is a mechanism that monitors and controls entire devices which are connected together. Secured data transmission in CPS systems is a major problem. To provide information security for CPS applications, certain privacy preservation strategies need to be followed. Encryption and anonymization are existing traditional privacy preservation techniques which are not suitable to provide information security for advanced systems called CPS. Differential techniques is an emerging privacy technique where a required amount of noise is added using various mathematical algorithms with data while sharing information between devices in CPSs. The process of adding noise with data is called data perturbation. There are three major data perturbations mechanisms followed to provide information security. They are exponential mechanism, Laplace mechanism, and Gaussian mechanism. This chapter presents a detailed review about applications of CPSs, significance of implementing differential privacy techniques, challenges, and future research directions of CPSs.
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CPS refers to a group of interconnected systems that can monitor and manipulate real-world objects and processes. CPS focuses on the interplay of physical, networking, and compute processes. As a result of their integration with IoT, a new CPS element, the Internet of Cyber-Physical Things, has emerged (IoCPT).In this paper, the main characteristics of CPS, as well as the related applications, technology, and standards, are discussed (Jean-Paul A. Yaacoub, 2020). Furthermore, CPS security vulnerabilities, threats, and attacks are examined, as well as major difficulties and challenges. In addition, existing security methods are given and examined, with their primary weaknesses identified. Finally, based on the lessons learnt throughout this exhaustive examination, various suggestions and recommendations are made. Because of complex cybernetics and the interplay of (independent) CPS domains, the exponential expansion of cyber-physical systems (CPS) has created various security vulnerabilities, particularly in safety-critical applications. (Muhammad Shafique, 2018) presents a concise but thorough overview of current static and adaptive detection and prevention strategies, as well as their inherent shortcomings, such as the inability to detect latent or uncertainty-based runtime security assaults. This study also presents intelligent security methods against many described attacks on different tiers of the CPS stack to meet these problems.

CPS are employed in a variety of industries to provide for process optimization and previously unattainable capabilities (Muhammad Shafique, 2018). The inherent properties of networked digital systems and analogue physical processes influence how security theory is used. As a result, security and privacy are important considerations in the design, development, and operation of CPSs. (Glenn A. Fink, 2018) explain how CPS security and privacy differ from that of pure cyber or physical systems, as well as what may be done to make these systems safer. The purpose is to assist young CPS designers in creating more secure, privacy-enhancing products in the future.CPS are cyber-physical systems that interact in a feedback loop with the help of human intervention, interaction, and utilization. As the foundation for developing and future smart services, these systems will empower the essential infrastructure and have the potential to have a substantial impact on daily life. The rising usage of CPS, on the other hand, introduces new hazards that could have serious ramifications for users. New dangers and cyber-attacks will continue to be exploited, necessitating the development of new strategies to defend CPS.(Yosef Ashibani, 2017) gave an examination of security challenges at various layers of the CPS architecture, risk assessment, and approaches for securing CPS. Finally, the obstacles, prospective study areas, and potential solutions are given and addressed.

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