Dialogue of Knowledge for the Consolidation of Territories Through Cultural Tourism

Dialogue of Knowledge for the Consolidation of Territories Through Cultural Tourism

Milena Santiago Escobar, Diana María Dueñas Quintero
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9217-5.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
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The dialogue of knowledge through cultural tourism in search of the consolidation of territories can help in the identification of the sociocultural diversity of local communities. The research focuses on identifying and interpreting the social, cultural, and tourist practices present in the territories in a way that facilitates the understanding of the individual and collective dynamics for the creation of strategies that establish guidelines of belonging in the different institutional interventions and provide spaces for the dialogue through strategies of social appropriation of knowledge. The content analysis reveals that there are some aspects of the initiatives studied that may be successful, but without the full participation of all the actors involved, discrepancies may occur in the results obtained, because they tend from assumptions of homogeneity of the populations, even overlooking the differences that the context provides in terms of the development of economic, social, and tourist activities.
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The dialogue of knowledge through the social appropriation of knowledge in local communities allows a social, cultural, and environmental integration to be established through the recognition of the cultural dynamics established by the critical experiences and the contributions of the communities. Indeed, the objective of this research is to integrate the context of the territories and the realities of the local communities, starting from intercultural spaces for training, education and knowledge transfer adapted to the environment in which peasant activities take place so that there is a construction collective that confronts the lines of thought with the local, regional, or universal reality with the interaction of knowledge.

The research focuses on the identification of ancestral knowledge, peasant senses and cultural heritage, in order to recognize alternatives that manage to promote processes of social appropriation of knowledge, through the dialogue of knowledge that allows working on the relationship between cultural diversity and territory, considering spaces for meeting and discussion between the academy and regional and local agents, so that a methodological proposal can be built that questions the concepts and practices of development to transform tourism processes in the territories, so that they can rediscover knowledge that allow influencing the ways in which the current situation of the communities under study is understood, understood and dealt with.

The processes of support and intervention of the communities on the part of public or private institutions focus on the fulfilment of national, regional, or local development plans with a low participation of the community. These processes of collective construction, based solely on official politics, have caused a disproof between official representations and the needs and / or expectations of the cultural agents present in the territory. This situation means that the participation of these agents is dispersed and that their symbolic repertoires and their cultural frameworks remain outside the scope of public plans and policies. The value given to heritage, however fragile they may seem, and to the agents of the production of meaning in the territories, will allow greater relevance in community interventions and in the scope of development plans and public policies. Therefore, there is evidence of the need to identify alternatives that manage to promote processes of social appropriation of pertinent and inclusive knowledge insofar as they can recognize agents, patrimonies and territories from institutional plans and programs to impact in the medium and long term in the communities and in cultural dynamics.

Finally, the appropriation of ancestral and peasant knowledge and a knowledge that has been given a new meaning by the recognition and potential of cultural, economic, and symbolic resources, will allow rural communities of Alto Ricaurte to empower and legitimize themselves as communities to know. From the recognition of some narratives associated with representations and imaginaries of the countryside and the peasant, the appropriation of the natural and cultural landscape of rural communities can be claimed as territories of high culture density.

The main objective of the research is to strengthen the processes of social appropriation of knowledge through the recognition of cultural diversity and dialogue of knowledge in the Province of Alto Ricaurte in the Department of Boyacá - Colombia. To meet this objective, three specific objectives are proposed: first, to interpret sociocultural and tourism practices that facilitate the understanding of individual and collective dynamics in the territories; second, to establish guidelines of relevance in the institutional interventions of the territories; and third, to promote spaces for the dialogue of knowledge through strategies of social appropriation of knowledge in interventions present in the territories.

The article begins with a review of the existing literature on dialogue of knowledge and the social appropriation of knowledge in the context of cultural tourism through sociocultural practices and ancestral knowledge of the communities; subsequently, a description of the methodology used throughout the investigation is made and the different sources used and the results found through them are presented; then an approach is made to the guidelines for future research that can be carried out as a continuation of this research; and ends with the conclusions of the investigation.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Dialogue of Knowledge: Communicative process in which two different logics are brought into interaction: that of scientific knowledge and that of everyday knowledge, with a clear intention to understand each other; implies the recognition of the other as a different subject, with different knowledge and positions.

Territoriality: The territories that are created from a certain intention and, as a human construction, are constantly redefined and adapted to the needs of social groups.

Sociocultural Practices: It is the process or phenomenon related to the social and cultural aspects of a community or society, where a participatory attitude is promoted in the members to contribute in this way to social and cultural development.

Social Appropriation of Knowledge: It is a process where civil society is empowered through knowledge. This process is the foundation of any form of innovation that involves the interaction of different social groups.

Actors or Stakeholders: It is an agency, organization, group, or individual that has an interest (direct or indirect) in the planning process, project, or its programs or that affects or is positively or negatively affected by their execution and results.

Transfer of Knowledge: Process by which research results, discoveries, scientific findings, or knowledge flow between different stakeholders.

Tourism Practices: They are those behaviours and activities that are carried out in visited destinations, which include economic, cultural, political, and technological aspects.

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