Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: An Intelligent Neuroimaging Perspective

Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: An Intelligent Neuroimaging Perspective

Karuna Salgotra, Vikas Khullar, Harjit Pal Singh, Suyeb Ahmed Khan
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7511-6.ch003
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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a complex neuropsychiatric disorder in which the diagnosed behavior of ADHD individuals reflects negligence and hyperactivity. Around 5% of young kids and 2–4% of grown-ups are found to have ADHD or ADHD-related symptoms. This study aims to provide a detailed review of neuroimaging technologies for ADHD diagnoses such as tomography, electroencephalography (EEG), magneto encephalography (MEG), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), etc. In the present era, the number of artificial intelligent, machine learning, deep learning algorithms have been introduced along with available advanced technologies and found to be helpful in the identification of ADHD like neuropsychiatric disorders. The work presented in this chapter summarizes the ADHD diagnosing technologies in combination with evolutionary artificial intelligence techniques, which lead to smart possibilities in ADHD diagnosis.
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2. Adhd Causes, Symptoms And Diagnosis

Due to the complexity of this disorder, ADHD cannot be associated with an individual basis but probably it is an outcome from a combination of unlike factors. The mandatory causes and risk factors associated with ADHA are unknown, but it has been considered that hereditary may be the prime cause leads to ADHD and the heritability of ADHD arises from various studies of the family-like: adoption studies, twin studies, and molecular genetics investigations. Some secondary causes may also lead to ADHA which included environmental factors, traumatic brain injury experienced in adolescence, focal sensory system diseases, premature birth, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, fetal exposed with toxic components during pregnancy, etc (Thapar et al. 2012; Tran and Wu 2019). These factors can cause difficulties with carelessness, inadequate coordination of motor activity, and impulses. Besides, it is observed that premature conceived individuals also have additional perceptional and neurological dangers. It was also found that the consumption of alcohol and smoking during pregnancy leads to serious issues such as behavioral development, learning ability, and hyperactivity in newborn kids (Degiorgi et al. 2017; Greenway and Edwards 2020).

Inattention, hyperactive, and impulsive behavior are the major traits of ADHD and generally found in most of the infected persons. The individuals with inattentive behavior face difficulty in noting down the concrete details during tasks and also face various obstacles, such as, not listening to directions carefully, daydream or dawdle too much, forget essential details, and seem absent-minded, etc. Moreover, hyperactivity and impulsivity in behavior result in trouble while doing tasks which required patience to perform task smoothly (Chheda-varma 2010). As per DSM-5, various symptoms of ADHD begin in adolescence usually before the age of 12 years. In daily practice, the guardians have the keen observation about the extraordinary motor movement throughout childhood times of kids but the characteristics of ADHD disease could not be easy to differentiate from the Hasty, Carelessness, and Aggressive Conduct of the kids (DSM-V 2013; Greenway and Edwards 2020; Oj et al. 2019; Silverstein et al. 2018). In some cases, it was also observed that the mild characteristics of ADHA could be seen in childhood age but the severity increased with age which leads to interference in routine task ability of adults. The severe ADHA infected adults reflected other significant symptoms such as difficulty in multitasking, weak ability to tolerate frustration, short-temper, Poor time management skills, impulsiveness, depression, learning disabilities, and anxiety, etc.

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