Development of Transferable Knowledge: Electronic Theses and Dissertation (ETDs) Publications in Academic Libraries in Zimbabwe

Development of Transferable Knowledge: Electronic Theses and Dissertation (ETDs) Publications in Academic Libraries in Zimbabwe

Collence T. Chisita, Rexwhite Tega Enakrire, Masimba C. Muziringa, Agnes Chikonzo
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7764-6.ch010
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Zimbabwe has adopted Education 5.0 which is an educational transformation typified by five missions of Teaching, Community Outreach, Research, Innovation and Industrialization. The Education 5.0 seeks to produce relevant and cost effective knowledge products that results in the production of new goods and services towards the modernization and industrialization of Zimbabwe. Electronic Thesis and Dissertations (ETDs) are at the core of knowledge production by universities in Zimbabwe. ETD's are important data sets for research and development and are critical in the knowledge creation and production that must lead to innovation and industrialization driven by academic institutions. The management of e-scholarship underpins the success of academic institutions to cause the industrialization and modernization of Zimbabwe under the new transformation. The chapter explores the opportunities in managing ETDs in Zimbabwe. The chapter explored how ETD's are transforming scholarly communication landscape through knowledge creation and sharing for industrialization and modernization. The chapter highlights new transformation by academic institutions in creating and developing ETD's to be linked with innovation hubs. Furthermore, the chapter explored the extent to which academic libraries are grappling with the emerging genres of ETD's for example the use of linked data to enhance discoverability. The chapter suggested strategies to enhance the ETD's culture.
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Research Questions

  • 1.

    What is the state of ETDs in Zimbabwe’s academic libraries?

  • 2.

    What are the factors affecting the growth of ETDs in Zimbabwe’s academic libraries?

  • 3.

    How can ETD culture be strengthened to widen access to scholarly communication?

  • 4.

    What strategies can be adopted to enhance ETDs in Zimbabwe?


Research Design

This study focusses on the state of ETD digital libraries in Zimbabwe and seeks to recommend strategies to enhance wider access and utilisation to scholarship for problem solving and as the ‘rails’ that stimulate socio-economic development in line with national and global outcomes. Data was collected through literature review and content analysis of ETD websites. The content analysis of websites was done in addition to literature review in order to access up to date data. Literature review was used as basis to analyse the status of ETDs in Zimbabwe. The researchers also consulted the Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR) and Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR) even though some of the ETDs are not listed. Data was harvested from the ETD Institutional Repositories of ten universities.

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