Development of Interactive Multimedia Learning Materials for Improving Critical Thinking Skills

Development of Interactive Multimedia Learning Materials for Improving Critical Thinking Skills

Djusmaini Djamas, Vonny Tinedi, Yohandri
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3022-1.ch026
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Learning materials offer students and teachers valuable assistance in physics lessons. This article was aimed at developing and evaluating interactive multimedia learning materials that are equipped with games in Linear Motion and Newton's Laws for improving critical thinking skills. The evaluation consists of an expert review, based on grades from four experts, practicality testing by 30 students, and effectiveness testing concerning students' critical thinking skills after they have used interactive multimedia learning materials. Thus, the research result shows that interactive multimedia learning materials are valid, practical, and effective. Based on this result, it appears that interactive multimedia learning materials can enhance students' critical thinking skills.
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2. Literature Review

2.1. Interactive Multimedia Learning Materials

Interactive multimedia learning materials combine various media, i.e., text, image, sound, video, animation, and simulation, and students can control the way they use them (Prastowo, 2011). Additionally, they can give students feedback, making students actively involved in learning. Although concepts in physics are abstract, animation and simulation of various phenomena and cases that are near students’ daily lives can make them concrete for students to understand. In addition, videos in interactive multimedia learning materials can explain physics concepts that are poorly understood by students, enabling students to learn independently.

The interactive multimedia learning materials that were developed consist of a handout and student worksheet. The structure of the handout consists of Core Competencies (CC), Basic Competencies (BC), a description of lesson materials, questions, and references (Prastowo, 2011). The student worksheet consists of a lesson topic, class, semester, lesson guide, CC, BC, lesson indicators, lesson objectives, information about lesson materials, tools/materials that are needed in the lesson, procedures, and tasks or discussion materials (Prastowo, 2011).

Moreover, the discovery learning model was used as learning steps in interactive multimedia learning materials. In this learning model, students use a given problem and work independently to identify the physics concept and understand the related principle. In addition, since the problem-solving process requires critical thinking, it can improve critical thinking skills. Furthermore, this learning model is student-centered, which can help students be more active, critical, creative, independent, and responsible in their learning.

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