Development of Financial Forecasting Tools

Development of Financial Forecasting Tools

Monu Bhardwaj, Namrata Prakash, Himanshu Kargeti, Rajesh Tiwari
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3264-1.ch013
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Technology has disrupted business processes. The financial sector cannot remain isolated from the technological disruption. Financial forecasting has attracted the attention of researchers attempting to explore technology driven forecasting. This chapter explores the development of financial forecasting tools. Artificial intelligence has gained prominence in financial forecasting and other domains of investment management. Machine learning offers immense potential for enhancing the efficiency of investment management. Fusion of the best models is required to explore new approaches. Instead of relying on a single model, a hybrid model approach needs to be explored to incorporate the benefits of the best models.
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Keeping up with the constantly shifting conditions of the market and making well-informed decisions regarding investments are both far more challenging today than they ever were in the past. This is especially true in light of the fact that the market is currently seeing levels of volatility that are at their lowest point in history. It can be difficult to keep up with the rapid rate of change in the world of finance due to the fast-paced nature of this industry (Hatzigeorgiou & Lodefalk, 2021). Because of this, keeping up with the rapid pace of development can be challenging. The standard methods of financial forecasting can frequently fall short when it comes to giving real-time market information and being able to respond to the intricacies of today's financial markets (Nikulin et al., 2021). Additionally, the accuracy of financial forecasting using traditional approaches is not quite as high. In conditions characterised by significant levels of market volatility, this kind of situation can prove to be very challenging (Petkovski et al., 2022). The usage of robots and artificial intelligence (AI) in financial forecasting is a paradigm-shifting technical breakthrough that has developed as a reaction to the challenges that have been offered. This answer has emerged as a result of the problems that have been presented (Rojko, 2017). This approach has developed as a reaction to the difficulties that have been posed for consideration. The difficulties that have been exposed are a primary driving force behind the development of this technology (Teixeira & Tavares-Lehmann, 2022). This has the potential to bring about a paradigm shift in the industry as a whole, and it might have a significant impact. There is a chance that the implementation of this technological innovation will bring about a paradigm shift in the sector that is significant enough to warrant attention (Jankowska et al., 2022).

In this chapter, we delve deeper into the topic of automated investment-based financial forecasting tools, assessing their origins, applications, advantages, and the potential influence that these tools could have on the whole financial system (Yajashree et al., 2021). You may locate this chapter by clicking here. In addition to this, we will investigate the moral and legal complexities that arise from the application of this technology, as well as the possible business opportunities that may become open to investors and financial institutions as a direct result of these challenges. In addition to this, we will look into the moral and legal repercussions that may be caused by the implementation of this technology (Nayyar et al., 2020). In the following and final part of this discussion, we are going to go over some of the potential benefits that this technology may be able to bring to financial institutions and investors. Specifically, we are going to focus on how this technology may be able to help reduce the risk of fraud. The second and final part of this series will concentrate on the potential benefits that the aforementioned technologies may be able to deliver to the financial industry (Horvath et al., 2019). These potential benefits will be broken down into several categories. In the following and concluding installment of this multi-part series, we will talk about these prospective advantages.

The topic of computer-assisted financial forecasting approaches, which are seeing a growing amount of use, is covered in the first portion of this document. These methodologies are becoming increasingly popular.

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