Developing Social Justice and Inclusion Competencies Through Semi-Structured Reflection Papers

Developing Social Justice and Inclusion Competencies Through Semi-Structured Reflection Papers

Annemarie Vaccaro, Brooke D'Aloisio, Tiffany Hoyt, Athina Chartelain, Sarah D. Croft, Brian Stevens
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7706-6.ch066
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


As higher education institutions strive to foster cultural inclusion, it is imperative that university employees develop relevant competencies. This chapter offers insight into one “best practice” for fostering social justice and inclusion competencies. A professor and former students discuss the benefits of using self-reflection papers for competency development. The chapter begins with an overview of social justice and inclusion competencies for higher education and student affairs professionals. That section is followed by a description of graduate-level courses and reflection paper assignments aimed at developing social justice and inclusion competencies. The majority of the chapter focuses on the educational process (e.g., meaning-making, critical reflection) and products (e.g., awareness, knowledge, skills, action) of semi-structured reflection papers. Recommendations for future practice and research are included.
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Social Justice And Inclusion Competencies For Student Affairs Professionals

Student affairs educators are professionals who are employed in institutions of higher education to foster the holistic development of college students—most often outside the confines of a traditional classroom. They work in a variety of campus functional areas such as admissions, academic advising, alumni relations, career services, enrollment services, intramural sports, judicial affairs, multicultural affairs, residence life, and student activities.

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