Developing Cultural Competencies in the Conflict Zone: Two Teachers With One Mission

Developing Cultural Competencies in the Conflict Zone: Two Teachers With One Mission

Angela Crawford, Kristine Witko
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3462-4.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This case study explores global competencies developed by two teachers, one near the end of her career and another at the beginning, as they found themselves drawn to volunteer in one of the most notorious favelas in Latin America. Both teachers were motivated by the drive to seek new perspectives about teaching and poverty and both would come home from the experience with greater personal humility. Yet, the personal impact of the experience was not sufficient for either. Thus, two teachers joined forces and took collaborative action to transform a voluntourism company into a non-profit educational organization. Engaging in a process of inquiry helped them to translate their ideas into responsible actions, thereby helping—in their own small way—to fill the need for quality educational services in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Two stories became one mission to provide children greater access to a head start in school and a future filled with opportunities.
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Global Competencies

Three global competencies are explored:

  • Values and Attitudes:

    • Valuing multiple perspectives.

    • Cultivate and use empathy.

  • Behaviors:

    • Translate ideas, concerns, and findings into appropriate individual or collaborative action.

  • Skills:

    • Seek out and apply different perspectives to problem solving and decision-making.

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