Developing a Research-Informed Teaching Module for Learning About Electrical Circuits at Lower Secondary School Level: Supporting Personal Learning about Science and the Nature of Science

Developing a Research-Informed Teaching Module for Learning About Electrical Circuits at Lower Secondary School Level: Supporting Personal Learning about Science and the Nature of Science

Keith S. Taber, Kenneth Ruthven, Christine Howe, Neil Mercer, Fran Riga, Riikka Hofmann, Stefanie Luthman
Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 28
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3832-5.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter discusses the design and development of a teaching module on electrical circuits for lower secondary students (11-14 year olds) studying in the context of the English National Curriculum. The module was developed as part of a project: “Effecting Principled Improvement in STEM Education” (epiSTEMe). The electricity module was designed according to general principles adopted across epiSTEMe, drawing upon research and recommendations of good practice offered in curriculum guidance and the advice offered by classroom practitioners who tested out activities in their own classrooms. The module design was informed by the constructivist perspective that each individual has to construct their own personal knowledge and so rejects notions that teaching can be understood as transfer of knowledge from a teacher or text to learners. However, the version of constructivism adopted acknowledged the central importance of social mediation of learning, both in terms of the role of a more experienced other (such as a teacher) in channeling and scaffolding the learning of students and the potential for peer mediation of learning through dialogue that requires learners to engage with enquiry processes and interrogate and critique their own understanding.
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This chapter describes the development of a research-informed teaching module on electrical circuits for early secondary level (in particular aimed at 11-12 year olds) developed as part of the project ‘Effecting Principled Improvement in STEM Education’ (epiSTEMe). The principles informing the design of the module will be discussed, and the way those principles were applied in module development will be explored. Three levels of context for appreciating module development will be provided relating to issues of (i) research into student thinking and learning in the topic, (ii) the context of the epiSTEMe project more generally, and (iii) the wider curriculum context in which the work took place.

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