Detection of Phishing Websites

Detection of Phishing Websites

Lakshmipathi Gejjala, Muthukumar Arunachalam, Bala Manikanta Eswar Duggisetty, Jaswanth Kumar Reddy Vardireddy
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7110-4.ch007
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Phishing attacks are one of the biggest security threats to personal and financial information on the internet. They are a type of cyber-attack where attackers pretend to be a trusted entity in order to trick people into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords and credit card numbers. To address this issue, a web application has been developed for detecting phishing websites. This application utilizes the Beautiful Soup library in Python to extract HTML and XML content and machine learning algorithms for detection. The application was created using the Streamlit software, making it user-friendly and easy to access through a web interface.
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2. Literature Review

The detection of phishing websites is an important task in preventing online fraud and protecting users from identity theft. Here is a brief literature review on the various approaches to detecting phishing websites:

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