Designing Personalized Student Development Through Microcredentials: An Institutional Approach

Designing Personalized Student Development Through Microcredentials: An Institutional Approach

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8198-1.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
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2020 saw many challenges across the planet as the population sought to try to comprehend the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the implications for our lives at home and work. Amidst this period of uncertainty and challenge, Abertay University, a small Scottish University, decided that it could not just maintain the curriculum status quo and needed to react to better support new students who may be coming to university with different questions and challenges to previous cohorts. This chapter will outline the principles behind the design of the microcredentials, explain how students and staff embraced the opportunity, before revealing the positive impact it had on student retention. It will also hint at the longer-term implications of the student decisions in selecting microcredentials and how the university is seeking to replicate this challenge and guidance through higher level microcredentials that build upon the first year experience, but move to a focus on student personal and professional development.
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Principles That Underpin The Microcredentials

The microcredentials were designed and are delivered from all areas of the university. This included academics, professional services (drawn from employability, learner development, library, student counsellors, and learning technology teams) and members of Abertay Students’ Association. The agreed and stated focus of these first year microcredentials was a desire to help students build the academic and social foundations for a successful university career with an emphasis on student engagement.

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