Design of Exergaming for Children and Adolescents: A Digital Game View

Design of Exergaming for Children and Adolescents: A Digital Game View

Thirunavukkarasu Kannapiran, Shahnawaz Khan, Raju Shanmugam, Divya Bhavani Mohan, Rohan Shankar Patil, Sharad Shetty
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6320-8.ch006
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Exergaming are those physical activities that require participants to be physically active or exercise to play the game. To participate in virtual sports, group fitness exercises, or other interactive physical activities, the user must use full-body motion. This Chapter have complete study of several possible environments for the need of exergaming for the Children and Adolescents. A complete analysis of situations, scenarios and nature of interest of children and young adults has been considered in this chapter. As it begins with problems associated with young age group in modern scenario and Covid-19 is also considered as a case study. Along with some ideation, there is a sincere effort to solve these problems with creative and innovative approach. And at the end there is description of complete technology used, methodologies involved in it, description of processes as technical input for exergaming.
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Problems Associated With Children/Adolescents

There are few stories, incidents, instances and real time difficulties faced in the below mentioned problems associated with depletion of outdoor games.

Lack of Interest

Some case studies have proven that children in modern era don't prefer to get off their comfort zone and move outdoors for playing physical games, rather opting video games, Play station games and computer-driven games. Example of a play station console is shown in (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Gaming console


These PC games, computer games are played with no physical intact or no movement of body involved in, except only the most preferred fingers of hands for the movement in games. Such games are designed to attract much of crowd with the help of graphics, characters, and other important factors by targeting the audience choices, demands and trends.

Figure 2.

Adolescents engaged in gaming


Most of the young aged category is addicted to such non active games (see Figure 2) which drive out their interest off physical games or exercise. They have completely dived deep into such gaming technique and modernization. And influencing lot many to enter gaming world.

Internal Clashes, Groupism, and Fights

Often Children are very joyous and enjoyable in nature. As a viewer I never saw, group of children having much more than heated arguments. They just start fighting, end it soon as well and get going once again.

But the condition for the adolescents never resists same, as they are half matured people having their own comfort zone, their own liked ones, their specific timings of playing and specific games as well.

Main problem associated with adolescents is they can’t take anything against their mindset and think beyond it. As well as they are those breeds who can’t think themselves off their comfort zones.

So, when two groups or two individuals have heated arguments, the joyous environment loses its importance, no games are played, and several more things happen. Sometimes the clash between these have raised up amongst their parents. This marks the rivalry amongst them and their parents and undoubtedly it affects the nature and environment of the society.

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