Demonstrating Wet Waste Composting as a Greening Society Initiative: A Step Towards Climate Resilient Societies

Demonstrating Wet Waste Composting as a Greening Society Initiative: A Step Towards Climate Resilient Societies

Chinmai Kishor Hemani
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7512-3.ch005
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The Indian Government's Smart Cities Mission intends to develop citizen-friendly, sustainable cities. Despite its laudatory objective, such a top-down scheme, doesn't reflect any grassroots level work to address water and waste issues or promote energy efficiency/saving at city-scale in which citizens also become participatory change agents. Out of overall food produced in the world, one-third is wasted. It's a matter of global concern with economic, social and environmental implications. Every tonne of food waste diverted from landfills saves 1.9tonnes CO2e (Carbon dioxide equivalent). This action research pilot project is a climate change mitigation initiative to treat wet waste at source through demonstration and techno-economic feasibility involving Rajkot citizens as participatory change agents. While currently awareness about such environmental issues and its environment-friendly solutions among Rajkot citizens is comparatively low. There is a potential of mass adoption of such initiatives, supplemented with government incentives making cities smart while also reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions. This paper describes successes and lessons from this pilot.
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Cities And Climate Change Aspect In Indian Context

Cities are not only engines of growth for the economy but are also major contributors to climate change. Globally, cities produce about 70 percent of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. It is expected that the urban population will double by 2030 (World Bank, 2014), with 90 percent of that urban growth taking place in developing countries (World Bank, 2013). With regards to India 31 percent of its population lives in cities contributing up to 63 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP); it is projected that by 2030 this urban population will grow to 40 percent with commensurate GDP growth to 75 percent by 2030 (Ministry of Urban Development, 2015). Increasing population, increasing purchasing power and lifestyle changes have led to an increase of 357 percent in India’s GDP between 1990 to 2014, correspondingly leading to an increase of 180 percent increase in its GHG emissions. In 2014, India’s total GHG emission were 3,202 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e) (6.55 percent of global GHG emissions) with 68.7 percent GHG emissions from the energy sector, followed by agriculture, industrial processes, land-use change and forestry, and waste contributing 19.6, 6.0, 3.8 and 1.9 percent respectively (USAID, 2018)

The growing urban population implies an increase in the cost for cities from increased energy use to over strained public services. The stark reality of growing poverty, water and energy crisis calls out for increasing our efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change and undertake the required shift to sustainable development. From being major contributors to climate change, cities should act as key players in low-carbon growth through innovative out of the box solutions and help their populations prepare for climate uncertainty and natural disasters.

Over the past decade, technological, economic and environmental changes including climate change, ageing populations, urban population growth and pressures on public finances have generated interest in smart cities. To improve the quality of living for an increasing urban population and to provide clean and sustainable environment through the application of innovative smart solutions, the Government of India (GoI) initiated Smart Cities Mission (SCM) in 2015. The SCM is an urban renewal and retrofitting program with the aim to make cities across the country citizen friendly and sustainable and in-turn develop them into smart cities.

The key approach of SCM is to target seven core sectors viz water, energy, waste, mobility, housing, education, healthcare and governance; collect and analyse vast quantities of data thus collected which could be used to improve quality of service, provide market signal feedback to users, automate processes and facilitate better decision-making (Ministry of Urban Development, 2015). However, the critical issue of waste management, its treatment and reduction are not one of the priority areas and has been much ignored.

A study by (Singh, Kumar, & Roy, 2018) suggests that 11 percent of all global methane (CH4) emissions from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) are generated by households and represent the third largest anthropogenic source of CH4 emissions. India is the largest producer of MSW, where only 70–75 percent gets collected, of which only 20–25 percent of it is treated; the remaining waste goes to landfills untreated. MSW generated in India largely consists of 40–60 percent organic waste, 3–6 percent paper waste, and 30–40 percent ash and fine earth material waste, <1 percent of plastics, glass and metal wastes (Singh, Kumar, & Roy, 2018). A 2014 report by the Planning Gommission, GoI shows that the waste composition from 1996-2011 has changed rapidly with increasing proportion of high calorific value waste; paper and plastic waste increased by over 380 percent and 1650 percent respectively over the 15-year period (Planning Commission, 2014). This conspicious increase in consumption pattern indicates that a serious effort is needed to treat compostable and burnable waste by adopting both composting and waste to energy technologies.

Landfills are not only the third largest contributors to the total CH4 emission in India, but also creates environment (air, water, soil) pollution, lead to leaching of ground water, and frequently catch fires. Such fires releases carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide, and carcinogenic hydrocarbons, apart from particulate matter into the air, resulting in India releasing 6 percent of CH4 emissions only from garbage (compared to the global average of 3 percent) (Swaminathan, 2018)

Key Terms in this Chapter

Composter: Mechanical equipment, compost bins used for aerobic composting also called composters.

Composting: Composting is the decomposition of plant remains and other biodegradable organic matter. Biodegradable waste (organic - kitchen and garden waste) can be decomposed in two ways: Aerobic processes (in the presence of oxygen), and Anaerobic processes (in the absence of oxygen).

Climate Change Adaptation: The process of adjusting of social, economic or ecological systems as a response to actual or expected climate change and its impacts.

CO2e (Carbon Dioxide Equivalent): Our carbon footprints are measured through this standard unit.

Anaerobic Composting: Is a process of decomposition of organic matter using microorganisms which do not require oxygen to survive. An anaerobic system releases majority of the chemical energy contained within the starting material as methane. In the anaerobic process the utilizable product is methane gas (which can be used as bio-gas for home kitchen use) and sludge, which can be composted or used directly as manure.

Aerobic Composing: Is decomposition of organic matter using microorganisms that require oxygen. Heat, water, and carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) are by-products of aerobic digestion. Though CO 2 is a greenhouse gas, it’s released as one of the outputs from the composting process is not counted in emissions inventory. Compost - the utilizable product as its output is earthy, dark and crumbly substance which enriches soil. Winrow composting, rapid composting including vermi-composting, using mechanical composter are several methods for aerobic composting.

Climate Change Mitigation: Involves reducing the flow of heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

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