Deep Machine Learning: Towards the Intelligence Level of Man

Deep Machine Learning: Towards the Intelligence Level of Man

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1886-7.ch003
This chapter was retracted


With deep learning technology, machine learning has shown impressive results. Nonetheless, these techniques frequently use excessive amounts of resources; they demand big datasets, a lot of parameters, and a lot of processing power. In order to develop machine learning models that are efficient with resources, the authors have outlined a general machine learning technique in this work that they call deep machine learning. All the methods that initially identify inductive biases and then use those inductive biases to improve the learning efficiency of models come under the umbrella of deep machine learning. Numerous robust machine learning techniques are currently in use, and some of them are highly well-liked precisely because of their efficacy. Deep machine learning, however, is still in its infancy, and much more work remains. The efforts must be focused in order to progress artificial intelligence (AI).
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1. Introduction

Over the past few decades, machine learning has advanced remarkably. Machine learning algorithms are capable of learning from data and carrying out a variety of activities that would normally call for human creativity or intelligence (Grigorescu et al., 2020). These elements have made it possible for several innovative applications across numerous fields. Machine learning algorithms, for instance, are capable of producing lifelike portraits, landscapes, and artwork (Brown et al., 2020). Additionally, for a variety of tasks like summarization, translation, and storytelling, they are able to write writings that are cohesive and fluid (Goodfellow et al., 2014). Additionally, they can power autonomous vehicles capable of navigating dynamic and complicated situations. Additionally, machine learning algorithms are so good at board games like Go and Chess that they can even outperform the greatest human players.

However in order to properly train and function, machine learning algorithms also require data and processing capacity. Large and varied data sets are necessary to give them enough instances and feedback to help them teach. Regretfully, these methods are getting close to the boundaries of what can currently be achieved with machine learning technology (Meir et al., 2020). The growing demands on data and model sizes make it harder and harder to improve these applications in terms of intelligence and accuracy. Machine learning models have an insatiable appetite for data; the largest models have close to or over a trillion parameters (Thompson et al., 2020). It's possible that both the data and the model sizes have grown to the highest feasible point.

Furthermore, there's a chance that the machine learning techniques being used now aren't the best, wasting resources. It's possible that a much smaller model can perform as well as or better than a machine learning model for every skill it learns. However, such tiny models are not found by our existing learning technique. This is particularly problematic in the event of insufficient data. The algorithms for multiplying two numbers provide an extreme example: Humans have developed some extremely efficient multiplication algorithms. Furthermore, deep learning models have been developed that have only used examples of proper multiplications to teach them how to multiple. Crucially, deep learning is never able to find the best algorithms. Deep learning can only be applied to extremely resource-hungry, inferior models (Mallick et al., 2023). However, the human mind is able to deduce a multiplication rule from a little

The superiority of human and animal brains over robots in numerous realms of intelligence is one of the reasons we need to advance machine learning technologies. Of course, in certain domains—like chess or calculations—machines can excel at tasks that need for certain knowledge or guidelines. Humans are still superior, though, in other areas like language, art, and social interaction where greater adaptability and inventiveness are needed. People are also able to pick up knowledge from a small number of examples and apply it to novel situations that they have never encountered before. However, in order for machines to learn and generalize beyond their training data, they frequently require large amounts of data and feedback (Giri et al., 2018).

We have developed what is known as powerful machine learning in this chapter. This strategy seeks to get beyond the drawbacks of the existing machine learning techniques, which rely on a lot of data and parameters in order to produce intelligence. Rather than going down this route, we may investigate technologies that allow machines to learn more efficiently. Robust machine learning allows computers to learn new abilities and activities while consuming less data and resources by utilizing their existing knowledge and experience. Robust machine learning enhances machines' creativity and adaptability, bringing them closer to animal or human learners.There are now several approaches available for powerful machine learning. We have attempting to bring them all together less than one heading in this chapter. Despite their apparent differences, seemingly unrelated techniques may share a crucial characteristic: they could all be variations of powerful machine learning.

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