Deep Learning for the Intersection of Ethics and Privacy in Healthcare

Deep Learning for the Intersection of Ethics and Privacy in Healthcare

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8531-6.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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The integration of deep learning in healthcare holds tremendous promise for improving patient care and medical research. However, this transformation comes with ethical considerations and privacy challenges that demand careful examination. An effort is made to explore fundamental ethical principles, data privacy issues, and the impact of bias and fairness on healthcare AI. It scrutinizes the critical need for informed consent, patient rights, and adherence to regulatory frameworks. The work established in this chapter highlights transparency and explainability as essential aspects of responsible AI deployment in healthcare services. Furthermore, the chapter also offers additional information on ethical decision-making frameworks, mechanisms for accountability, and auditing in deep learning projects. Case studies and real-world examples illustrate these concepts, guiding practitioners and researchers in their quest to navigate the intricate intersection of ethics and privacy in healthcare deep learning.
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1. Introduction

In recent years, the field of healthcare has witnessed a remarkable transformation, thanks to the ever-advancing realm of deep learning and artificial intelligence. These technologies have emerged as powerful tools in disease diagnosis, personalized treatment, predictive analytics, and medical research, promising to revolutionize patient care and the healthcare industry. However, standing at the cusp of this transformative journey, it is critically important to pause and reflect on the ethical considerations and privacy concerns that accompany this rapid evolution. This chapter will provide a comprehensive overview of the ethical landscape within which healthcare deep learning operates. As healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers strive to harness the potential of deep learning, they must also grapple with the fundamental questions of autonomy, consent, transparency, and accountability. Real-world case studies are delved into along with legal frameworks, and emerging challenges to provide a holistic understanding of the multifaceted issues at the intersection of healthcare, ethics, and privacy. In This chapter readers will be equipped with the knowledge and guidance necessary to navigate these challenges responsibly and ethically, ensuring that the promises of healthcare deep learning are realized while preserving the rights, dignity, and privacy of patients and individuals.

1.1 The Importance of Ethics and Privacy in Healthcare Deep Learning

The integration of deep learning into the healthcare domain has ushered in a new era of possibilities, offering innovative solutions for diagnosing diseases, optimizing treatment plans, and streamlining medical research (Henke, N., & Jacques Bughin, L. 2016). While the potential for positive transformation is vast, the fundamental importance of ethics and privacy in healthcare deep learning cannot be overstated, the Importance of Ethics and Privacy in Healthcare Deep Learning shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

The importance of ethics and privacy in healthcare deep learning


In ethics and privacy are not peripheral concerns but rather fundamental pillars in the development and deployment of deep learning in healthcare. These considerations not only protect patient rights and maintain trust but also promote the responsible and equitable use of advanced technologies to enhance healthcare outcomes. Ethical practices in healthcare deep learning are not just a choice but a moral imperative.

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