Dataveillance, Counterterrorism, and Sustainable Peace in the Age of Algocracy

Dataveillance, Counterterrorism, and Sustainable Peace in the Age of Algocracy

Feride Zeynep Güder
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9755-2.ch012
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History, the story of human beings, has been full of century-old conflicts, fights, and unending wars. Dreaming a peaceful world looks like a pure naïve desire, but ironically, this naivety can be the only salvation for human beings. We all witness a series of outbreaking and cutting-edge technological innovations, and this digitalized world transforms society sharply. New media have tsunami-like effects on people by creating a new culture in digital habitus and metaverse, but the existence of violence, war, and terrorism still linger all over the world. Violence and terrorism only changed their tophos and faces. The study is finalized by briefly exploring the new possibilities of governing the world by algocracy, a new type of democracy regulated by algorithms. Since the search for discourse for sustainable peace perspectives and a world without terrorism is the main leitmotif of this chapter, the methodology of the chapter starts with the essential discussions on counterterrorism, dataveillance, sustainable peace, the role of redemption, and peaceful discourse in digital narrations.
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In the post-modern world, dataveillance, the surveillance of data to detect the activities of terrorists and ordinary people, is thought to control, prevent and finally solve the problem. What is the most needed action here can be to fight against the root of the illness, not the symptoms. Hostility among people and nations has its tradition with a very long past. Some cases are frozen and stuck in history and they are inherited and stay on the shoulders of new generations. Therefore, instead of overrating the dataveillance activities, new discourse must be sought in every platform. We need to find the language of conciliation, peace, redemption and, forgiveness.

Kant here highlights the importance of ending hostilities among men:

A state of peace among men who live side by side with each other is not the natural state. The state of nature is rather a state of war; for although it may not always present the outbreak of hostilities, it is nevertheless continually threatened with them. The state of peace must, therefore, be established; for the mere cessation of hostilities furnishes no security against their recurrence (Perpetual, 2012).

If human beings and nations cannot start from the zero point, then a certain type of infrastructure can be developed by relying on Kant’s philosophy of peace. The function of these new Kant readings can allow a human being to navigate by the algorithms of peace instead of the accumulated grudge and chaos. And if we are now talking about the possibility of sovereignty of algorithms and perpetual peace, algocracy can be the answer that is a democracy based on algorithms. Dataveillance practices must be integrated with algocracy as a new possibility for a new world design. In this digitalized world, data collected from dataveillance practices can serve to establish a better world.

Since the search for discourse for sustainable peace perspectives and a world without terrorism is the main leitmotif of this chapter, the methodology of the paper starts with the essential discussions on counterterrorism, dataveillance, sustainable peace, the role of redemption, and digital narrations. Alternative strategies for dataveillance are discussed by giving their overt advantages and disadvantages compared to the existing and traditional surveillance-based approaches (Danaher, 2020).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Algocracy: Algocracy is a democracy based on algorithms and Artificial Intelligence.

Redemptive Discourse: It is a discourse developed by Levinas, based on the philosophy of forgiving.

Dataveillance: The surveillance of digital data or digital identities, treats, and digital twins to detect the activities of people.

Perpetual Peace: It is a type of peace developed by Kant.

Sustainable Peace: It is the updated version and substitute of Kant’s Perpetual Peace.

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