Data Security and Privacy in the Age of AI and Digital Twins

Data Security and Privacy in the Age of AI and Digital Twins

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1818-8.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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Data security and privacy have emerged as businesses struggle with the growing digitization of operations and the abundance of data in the age of artificial intelligence and digital twins. An overview of the issues and solutions relating to data security and privacy in the context of AI and digital twins is given in this chapter. The chapter emphasizes the value of data classification and recognizing how sensitive the data being created and used is. The necessity of strong security measures, such as access controls, authentication procedures, and encryption methods, is emphasized in order to safeguard data against unwanted access and breaches. To further assure data security and compliance, the chapter underlines the significance of ongoing monitoring, auditing, and risk assessment procedures. It examines how to successfully detect and mitigate security problems by utilizing real-time monitoring, routine audits, and proactive risk assessments.
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1. Introduction

Digital twins and the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) have changed many businesses in recent years, providing previously unheard-of potential for data-driven insights, optimization, and decision-making. Digital twins and AI systems frequently use enormous amounts of data, including sensitive, private, and confidential information (Z. Zhang et al., 2022). As these technologies permeate every aspect of our everyday lives and business operations, protecting privacy rights and ensuring strong data security have taken on essential importance.

This book's chapter lays the groundwork for examining the complicated issues of data security and privacy in the era of artificial intelligence and digital twins. It attempts to provide a thorough introduction to the topic while underlining the importance, difficulties, and consequences of data security in this rapidly changing technological environment (M. Saeed et al., 2022).

The chapter begins by introducing the background and context of artificial intelligence (AI) and digital twins, outlining their core ideas, and displaying the diverse range of applications they have across sectors. It highlights how new technologies have the power to revolutionize productivity, efficiency, and innovation, but it also highlights the necessity for close consideration of data security and privacy issues (Maddikunta et al., 2022).

This chapter also discusses privacy issues concerning digital twins and AI. It draws attention to the expanding worries about the gathering, using, and sharing of personal data as well as the possible repercussions for people's privacy rights.

The chapter examines the ethical aspects of privacy, going into concerns like permission, openness, and justice as well as potential side effects of the use of AI algorithms and digital twins.

Additionally, the legal and regulatory environment related to data security and privacy is investigated. The introduction of important data protection rules, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), highlights the legal responsibilities and compliance standards that enterprises must follow while handling personal data (Bradford, Aboy, Liddell, & Biosciences, 2020).

Additionally, the chapter introduces the idea of “privacy by design” and emphasizes the significance of incorporating privacy principles into the creation of digital twins and AI systems. It focuses on the necessity of taking proactive steps to incorporate privacy protections, risk analyses, and accountability systems throughout the whole lifecycle of these technologies (M. M. Saeed, M. K. Hasan, et al., 2022).

Finally, the chapter provides a summary of the remaining chapters in the book (Digital Twin Technology and AI Implementations in Future-Focused Businesses) and lists the subjects that will be covered, including data protection policies, consent, and transparency, ethical considerations, data governance, employee training, third-party relationships, monitoring and auditing procedures.

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