Data Ethics and Privacy

Data Ethics and Privacy

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3609-0.ch011
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The ethical issues surrounding data acquisition, use, and management have gained prominence in the quickly changing field of data analytics. In the framework of contemporary data analytics, this chapter examines the complex issues of data ethics and privacy. It looks at the moral dilemmas brought on by gathering and using enormous volumes of data, such as those involving permission, openness, and justice. It also explores the effects of data analytics methods on society's values and individual privacy rights, including machine learning and artificial intelligence. The chapter also covers new rules and frameworks being developed to address ethical issues with data analytics procedures. This chapter offers insights into best practices for managing the ethical complexity inherent in data-driven decision-making through the analysis of case studies and ethical problems. Ultimately, it emphasizes how crucial it is to embrace moral standards and privacy-protecting methods to guarantee ethical and long-lasting data analytics procedures in the future.
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1. Introduction

The quick development of data analytics has brought a new era of unparalleled data collecting, analysis, and decision-making skills. However, these technical developments have also given rise to complicated moral dilemmas and privacy concerns, which calls for carefully studying data-driven behaviours’ social and ethical ramifications (Duan, Y. et. al., 2019; Wang, H. et. al., 2016; Minell,. M., et. al., 2013). This chapter delves into the complex world of data ethics and privacy, examining the various problems and issues resulting from gathering, utilizing, and handling enormous amounts of data (Rajasegar, R. et. al., 2024; Braun, A. et. al., 2017; Aparna Kumari, et. al., 2019). With the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning, data analytics techniques are becoming more complex, and it is essential to carefully assess the potential effects on individual privacy rights and social values.The idea of consent is at the heart of one of the most important ethical conundrums: How can we ensure that people are fully informed and have given their meaningful approval for their data to be collected and used? Organizations must be open and honest about their data practices so that people are aware of how and why their data is being used. This makes transparency a crucial principle (Stahl, B. et. al., 2018; Mullins, M. et. al., 2021; Martin, K. 2022). Fairness and justice are vital issues since data analytics models and algorithms can reinforce preexisting prejudices and discriminatory practices. The possibility of unforeseen effects must be carefully considered, and we must seek to create moral frameworks that uphold justice, responsibility, and respect for human rights (Mühlhoff, R., 2021; Aparna, K. et. al., 2018).

Figure 1 shows the average cost of a data breach varied across industries in both 2022 and 2023. In the healthcare sector, the average cost increased slightly from $10.10 million in 2022 to $10.93 million in 2023. Similarly, the financial sector saw a slight decrease from $5.97 million in 2022 to $5.90 million in 2023. The pharmaceutical industry also experienced a decrease from $5.01 million in 2022 to $4.82 million in 2023. Notably, the energy sector, which was combined with technology in 2023, saw a slight increase to $4.78 million compared to $4.72 million in 2022. Meanwhile, the industrial sector maintained a relatively stable average cost of $4.72 million in both years (Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023).

Figure 1.

Cost of a data breach by industry in millions


These figures underscore the significant financial impact of data breaches across various industries and emphasize the importance of adhering to ethics and privacy standards to mitigate such risks. Regardless of the sector, organizations must prioritize ethical data practices and robust privacy measures to safeguard sensitive information and mitigate the financial and reputational consequences associated with data breaches.

Furthermore, new frameworks and rules are being created as the area of data analytics develops to address the ethical challenges these techniques bring. This chapter will examine the latest legal and regulatory environments, understanding the different strategies and policies designed to protect people's right to privacy and encourage responsible data handling. This chapter thoroughly examines best practices for managing the ethical complexity inherent in data-driven decision-making by investigating real-world case studies and ethical problems. We'll look at ways to apply moral principles—like data minimization, anonymization, and robust data governance frameworks—to ensure that the advantages of data analytics are achieved while respecting core ethical principles and human rights. In the end, this chapter highlights how crucial it is to adopt moral principles and privacy-preserving techniques to guarantee moral and long-lasting data analytics practices in the future. We must proactively address these ethical and privacy issues as data analytics continues to change our society to create a trustworthy and accountable atmosphere for data-driven innovation.

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