Data-Driven, Intelligent Business Learning About UPASI Services and Tea-Growers' Sustainability

Data-Driven, Intelligent Business Learning About UPASI Services and Tea-Growers' Sustainability

H. Hajra, G. Jayalakshmi
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0049-7.ch007
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The tea industry faces significant operational and financial challenges in the competitive global market, necessitating focused research to support its growth and sustainability. Access to robust data is critical for convincing management to adopt new strategies, and this study aims to provide valuable data for the industry's advancement. The United Planters Association of Southern India (UPASI), representing tea and other plantation crops in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka since 1893, plays a crucial role. The rich biodiversity of the Nilgiris provides an ideal environment for tea and other crops. Still, traditional farming methods often rely on inefficient information dissemination through various means, resulting in outdated or missing critical data. This gap leads to poor planning, unsustainable farming practices, environmental damage, and reduced farmer income.
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Established in 1893 during the peak of British colonial rule in India, the United Planters Association of South India (UPASI) was primarily an organization devoted to furthering the interests of British planters, with a particular focus on tea planters in South India. The founding members of UPASI, who were of foreign origin, recognized the necessity of fostering unity among planters from various regions and crops. They initiated the pyramid structure, which began with the district Planters Association of India. Since its inception, the connection between UPASI (2021) and scientific research on plantation crops has been inseparable. The UPASI falls under the Ministry of Commerce. The UPASI (2021) is a crucial link between the government and the industry, playing a vital role in formulating policies for the sector. Through a Krishi Vigyan Kendra, the association runs voluntary socio-economic schemes encompassing family welfare, health education, tea cultivation, and horticulture training. Additionally, they educate small and marginal farmers on agricultural advancements and technologies (Babu, 2004).

The association’s primary objectives are to disseminate knowledge of the planting and plantation industry, foster unity and concerted actions among its members in all matters concerning their collective interests and safeguard the interests of various planting industries in southern India on a global scale (Babu, 2005a). Differences that notwithstanding is the micro level of the approach of the adjustments to the changing world and its times, shifting government styles, approaches, and the changing expectations and aspirations of those connected with the planting industry in the Nilgiris contributed to the acceptance of UPASI’s representative character in the region (Babu, 2005b). Currently, the UPASI Tea Research Foundation (UPASI TRF) includes the Tea Research Institute of Valparai and its six regional (Advisory) centers located in Coonoor, Gudalur, Koppa, Munnar, Meppadi, and Vandiperiyar, as mentioned earlier.

Like many others, the tea industry has significantly transformed in recent years thanks to data-driven intelligence (Ramamoorthy et al., 2012). This shift towards data-driven decision-making has provided valuable insights and strategies for businesses in the tea industry, revolutionizing how they operate and engage with consumers. By leveraging advanced analytics tools and technologies, tea companies have been able to delve deep into the nuances of their market, thereby gaining a competitive edge in an ever-evolving landscape.

One of the key learnings in this regard has been the paramount importance of personalization. Through the meticulous collection and comprehensive analysis of consumer data, tea businesses have been able to tailor their products to individual preferences, creating unique tea blends and flavors that resonate with their target audience. Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all teas; today, it’s all about crafting a tea experience that feels tailor-made for each customer. This personalized approach has proven to be a game-changer in the industry, as it enhances customer satisfaction and drives brand loyalty and repeat business (Babu et al., 2007).

In the era of big data, tea companies have harnessed the power of analytics to gain a deeper understanding of customer preferences. They track everything from the types of teas customers purchase most frequently to the specific flavors and aromas they prefer (Hudson & Durairaj, 2004). This granular level of insight allows tea businesses to develop new product offerings that align precisely with their customers’ tastes, ensuring a delightful and customized tea-drinking experience. For example, a tea company might use data to discover that a particular demographic of customers prefers herbal blends with floral notes and a touch of sweetness. With this knowledge, they can create a signature blend that caters to this group, increasing their market share and customer satisfaction.

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