Cybersecurity: Protecting Information in a Digital World

Cybersecurity: Protecting Information in a Digital World

S. Srisakthi, C. V. Suresh Babu
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0839-4.ch001
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The chapter thoroughly explores the multifaceted cybersecurity landscape's significance in safeguarding business intelligence amid rapid technological evolution. It starts with an overview of cybersecurity, defining its scope, exploring its historical context, and highlighting ongoing research. The chapter emphasizes cryptography's foundational role, addressing challenges and practical applications. Real-world scenarios illustrate the diverse cybersecurity landscape. The discussion extends to global, national, and local perspectives on cyber attacks, emphasizing the imperative of cybersecurity. The chapter advocates for cybersecurity education, addressing challenges and proposing solutions. It concludes by summarizing key takeaways, stressing ongoing cybersecurity.
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1. Introduction To Cybersecurity

Recent times, the world witnessed a lot of information and data transmitted and stored in the digital format. To start with the basic money transaction has also been digitised. Maintaining health records, keeping track of expenses etc. are being deployed in a digital manner. Though these posses many benefits, the integrity of the information that is being stored or shared is facing challenges. Hence, there is a need for cybersecurity and solutions need to be developed. This chapter deals with the role of cybersecurity in detail.

1.1. Definition and Scope of Cybersecurity

The world has seen a lot of increase in the digital communications and transactions. The amount of data that are transmitted over the internet is very huge. In such scenarios, there are possibilities for attacks and theft. Hence, the role of cybersecurity is very much needed and vital. Cybersecurity encompasses a wide array of practices, technologies, and measures aimed at protecting computer systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access, attacks, and damage. It includes strategies for safeguarding the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of digital assets. The scope of cybersecurity extends to a variety of sectors, from personal computing and healthcare to critical infrastructure and national security (Kaplan et al., 2015).

The ongoing evolution of technology has expanded the definition of cybersecurity, as it now includes not only traditional IT systems but also the security of emerging technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. When IoT devices are used in medical field, the cybersecurity needs to be more tightened as it involves very critical data. The next section will cover on the evolution of cybersecurity.

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