Cybersecurity Breach Case Study

Cybersecurity Breach Case Study

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1630-6.ch007
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This cybersecurity case study provides a comprehensive remediation plan for an organization that recently experienced a data breach and lacks a risk management strategy. Starting with a current state analysis, the plan includes strategies to support the new organizational behaviors, understanding and aligning company culture, supporting changes with ethical decision-making and strong leadership, and ensuring changes are maintained and reinforced. Foundation theories and models are used to support the plan: human factors, theory of constraints, the plan-do-check-act cycle, Schein's model of organizational culture, the Deal and Kennedy culture model, Lewin's change management model, nudge theory, the duty-based approach to ethical decision-making, and transformational leadership. The resulting plan ensures that the organization is able to prevent most cyberattacks and has a ready response plan for dealing with any future breaches.
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Literature Review

To organize a comprehensive solution, INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 27001: Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems — Requirements (ISO/IEC 27001: 2022) will be used as a framework aligned with the topic areas in the table of contents:

  • Context of the organization - Schein's Model of Organizational Culture, Deal and Kennedy Culture Model

  • Leadership - Deal and Kennedy Culture Model, Transformational Leadership

  • Planning – Risk Management, Human Factors Ergonomics, Theory of Constraints

  • Support - Lewin's Change Management Model, Nudge Theory, Duty-Based Approach to Ethical Decision Making

  • Operation – Security Culture

  • Performance evaluation – Plan-Do-Check-Act

  • Improvement – Theory of Constraints, Plan-Do-Check-Act

Schein's Model of Organizational Culture

A company's culture significantly impacts organizational behaviors (Akpa et al., 2021). Given the importance of culture to the organization's effectiveness (Deal & Kennedy, 1983; Sharma & Aparicio, 2022), the team will employ Schein's Model of Organizational Culture as a framework to analyze the current state of the company's culture. Schein's Model will help us decipher the company's culture from a physical and social context, espoused organizational and demonstrated values, and basic assumptions (Yilmaz, 2014; Akpa et al., 2021). Using qualitative methods such as observations, analysis of rituals, and interviews (Schein, 2010), the team will gather information about the basic assumptions that determine information security risk actions and perspectives (Schlienger & Teufel, 2002; Karlsson et al., 2021). It is crucial to understand these underlying assumptions to mitigate the potential risks of anxiety and defensiveness that may occur when they are changed (Akpa et al., 2021). Additionally, leaders should model the desired culture and cybersecurity behaviors to positively influence the culture change (Schein, 2010). Given the recent breach, it is already understood that the security culture needs to change, and the following model will help support that change.

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