Cyber Crime in India: An Indian Perspective

Cyber Crime in India: An Indian Perspective

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8893-5.ch017
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The increasing use of digital technologies and the internet has provided immense opportunities for communication, information sharing, and social interaction. However, alongside these benefits, the cyber world has also become a platform for the perpetration of offences against women. This chapter investigates the problem of violations and crimes targeting women in the cyber world, with particular emphasis on India. It explores the various forms of cyber offence women face, the underlying factors contributing to such crime, and the legal and policy framework in India. The chapter also highlights the challenges in addressing cyber offences against women and proposes strategies for prevention and support.
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1. Introduction

The advent of digital technologies and the widespread use of the internet have revolutionized the way people communicate, access information, and engage in social interactions. Every day, millions of men and women utilize the internet as a platform for expressing their ideas freely without restrictions. These advancements have undoubtedly brought numerous benefits and advantages to society, but they have also given rise to a dark side of the cyber world, marked by offenses and crimes specifically targeted against women. As women increasingly embrace digital platforms for personal, professional, and social interactions, they are also facing unprecedented risks and vulnerabilities online. This research paper delves into the pressing issue of cyber offenses and crimes against women, focusing particularly on the context of India. Cyber-crime against women encompasses a broad range of offenses, from online harassment and cyber stalking to revenge porn, sextortion, and online grooming. Perpetrators exploit the anonymity and distance provided by the internet to target and victimize women, making it crucial to address these issues from an Indian perspective.

The paper aims to comprehensively explore the various forms of cyber offense faced by women in the digital realm. These offenses encompass a wide range of activities, including but not limited to cyber harassment, cyber stalking, revenge pornography, online bullying, identity theft, and online fraud. This research paper also aims to shed light on the prevalent forms of cyber-crime against women in India, the underlying factors contributing to such crimes, the impact on victims and society at large, and the existing legal and policy framework to combat these offenses.

The key areas of focus in the paper include:

  • 1.

    Types of Cyber Crimes Against Women: This section will explore the various forms of cyber-crime targeting women, such as online harassment, cyber bullying, dozing, morphed images, and non-consensual distribution of intimate content. Real-life examples and statistics will help illustrate the gravity of the problem.

  • 2.

    Factors Contributing to Cyber Crime Against Women: Understanding the social, cultural, and technological factors that contribute to the perpetration of cyber-crimes against women is crucial for devising effective prevention and intervention strategies.

  • 3.

    Impact on Women and Society: Cybercrime not only violates an individual's privacy and dignity but also has broader implications for gender equality and women's participation in the digital world. This section will delve into the psychological, emotional, and professional consequences experienced by victims.

  • 4.

    Challenges in Reporting and Prosecution: Many cases of cybercrime against women go unreported due to fear of social stigma, lack of awareness, or mistrust in the legal system. This section will examine the obstacles hindering reporting and the difficulties in prosecuting offenders.

  • 5.

    Legal and Policy Measures: An analysis of the existing laws and policies in India aimed at addressing cyber-crimes against women will be provided. This will include an assessment of the effectiveness of these measures and potential gaps in the legal framework.

  • 6.

    Support and Awareness Initiatives: Highlighting the efforts made by government agencies, NGOs, and civil society in raising awareness about cyber safety for women and providing support to victims will be an integral part of this study.

  • 7.

    International Comparisons: A comparative analysis of how other countries are tackling cyber-crime against women will provide valuable insights and potential best practices for India.

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