Culture, Society, and Food Waste: Understanding Cultural Norms and Social Behaviors Impacting Food Waste Generation and Developing Mitigation Strategies

Culture, Society, and Food Waste: Understanding Cultural Norms and Social Behaviors Impacting Food Waste Generation and Developing Mitigation Strategies

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2181-2.ch002
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The purpose of this research is to identify the factors that contribute to food waste, with a particular focus on the role that culture and society play. The ultimate objective is to not only lessen the effects of food waste, but also to lessen its incidence. This study fits in with the rising recognition that a more sustainable and responsible approach to food consumption and waste management may be achieved via a knowledge of and an influence on cultural norms and social behaviors. The research makes a modest but important addition to the worldwide effort to reduce food waste by advocating for fundamental shifts in how we approach, manage, and value nutrition.
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3. Research Objectives

This research paper aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • RQ1- Explore the role of cultural norms in shaping attitudes and behaviors towards food waste.

  • RQ2- Investigate how social interactions, such as family dynamics and peer influence, impact food waste generation and disposal.

  • RQ3- Develop and propose strategies to address cultural and social drivers of food waste, with a focus on prevention and behavior change.

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