Creditworthiness Assessment Using Natural Language Processing

Creditworthiness Assessment Using Natural Language Processing

Somya Goyal, Arti Saxena
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7728-8.ch007
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NLP is a wide and quickly developing segment of today's new digital technology, which falls under the domain of artificial intelligence. Alternative approaches for qualifying and quantifying an individual's creditworthiness have emerged in recent years as a result of recent advancements in AI. Banks and creditors may use AI to rate potential borrowers' creditworthiness based on alternative data, such as social media messages and internet usage, such as which websites people visit and what they buy from e-commerce stores. These digital footprints may show whether or not an individual is able to repay their debts. In this chapter, how the approaches of NLP could offer financial solutions to unbanked communities is explored. This chapter includes the use of various machine learning algorithms and deep learning to find the most accurate credit score of a user. Since NLP is less intrusive than providing direct access to a person's entire contact list or a social media site, it is a more accessible way to measure risk while still having the potential to target a larger audience.
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Creditworthiness Assessment

Several organizations provides AI-based credit scoring applications to banks and business creditors who want to better consider the risk involved with their future borrowers. Traditional credit scoring strategies take into account prospective borrower’s credit history, although this can prevent certain individuals from obtaining credit despite their ability to repay their loans as they are due.

Banks and creditors uses AI technologies to create a credit score of an individual based on alternate data, such as social media messages and Internet usage, such as which websites people visit and what they buy from e-Commerce stores. These digital footprints help to gather information regarding the probabilities and risks associated with a borrower. Data is generated through these digital footprints that may show whether or not an individual is able to repay their debts.

What Is Creditworthiness?

Creditworthiness is how a lender determines that whether you will be able to repay your debts, or how much worthy you are to receive new credit. Your creditworthiness provides you credibility to receive credit from any provider.

The creditworthiness or credit score is calculated using a number of variables, one of which is the user’s repayment history. When determining the likelihood of default, certain credit firms take into account the available assets as well as the number of liabilities you have.

  • Key Takeaways:

    • A lender's creditworthiness determines whether or not you can default on your mortgage obligations.

    • Several considerations, including your debt history and credit score, go into determining your creditworthiness.

    • Having on-time payments is an easy way to improve or preserve your creditworthiness.

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