Creativity and Innovation: The Need for Cognitive Skills and Abilities in Developing Entrepreneurs of the Future

Creativity and Innovation: The Need for Cognitive Skills and Abilities in Developing Entrepreneurs of the Future

Khalida Akbar, Ayanshola Ayandibu
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7963-3.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
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The current global pandemic has given rise the need of innovation and creativity from entrepreneurs in order to sustain their enterprise in the ever-changing environment that the world is faced with. This has resulted in many challenges that entrepreneurs have been dealing with as a result of lockdowns in many countries. The objective of this chapter is to provide a guideline to entrepreneurs on how the development of cognitive skills and abilities can assist them in the current situation and in the future. An analysis of current strategies that were used globally will be evaluated, and successful methods of creativity and innovation will be used to develop a framework. The literature in this chapter indicated the need for integrating cognitive ability when implementing creativity and innovation in enterprises. Cognitive function focuses on working memory and certain behaviours when performing a particular action to achieve a certain goal.
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This study adopted a qualitative desktop methodology which examined the importance of cognitive abilities in successfully implementing sustainable creativity and innovation in future entrepreneurs post the pandemic, in Africa and globally. The focus considers the impact cognitive abilities and skills in entrepreneurs post the COVID-19 pandemic. The evaluation of secondary research and an intersectional theoretical framework underscores this study. They lack mentorship, self-efficacy, ability and skills required by entrepreneurs who need to sustain their enterprises post the COVID-19 pandemic. The failure to implement cognitive abilities in the implementation of creativity and innovation leads to limitations in sustainable development and the survival of small and medium enterprises globally. The ethical requirement of research is preserved. The chapter is aligned to the current COVID-19 research and ethical protocol identified in scientific literature, which permitted a clinical model for entrepreneurs of the future. The clinical model amalgamates the need for cognitive abilities distinctively in the perspective of innovation and creativity, that reinforces the interest of sustainable enterprises post the COVID-19 pandemic. A review of current knowledge produced in entrepreneurship, education, technology and science on the sustainable impact of entrepreneurs with creativity and innovation is assessed. The secondary data spans from January 2020- March 2021. The key challenges and problems experienced by entrepreneurs are highlighted.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Can be defined as a type of business development practice that provides new opportunities for innovative corporate activities at the nexus of ecological and social issues ( Urbaniec, 2018 ).

Theoretical Framework: Grounded on social cognitive career theory to explain individual entrepreneurial activity, positing that this theory accounts for the complexity and diversity of mechanisms and conditions that matter for entrepreneurial intentions, contrasting with classic intention-based models which consider entrepreneurship as a sequential process, undermining the uncertainty and non-linearity of the entrepreneurial journey ( Santos & Liguori, 2019 ).

Mentoring: Can be defined as a one-to-one relationship between an experienced person (a mentor) and a less experienced person (a protégé or mentee) that provides a variety of developmental and personal growth functions ( Nabi, Walmsley, & Akhtar, 2019 ).

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