Creation of Digital Solutions in Higher Education: Strategies With Hands-On and Disruptive Technologies in Phygital Transformation

Creation of Digital Solutions in Higher Education: Strategies With Hands-On and Disruptive Technologies in Phygital Transformation

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8282-7.ch001
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This chapter is based on research on learning in phygital transformation in higher education. Texts referring to methodologies as strategies were read and paradigms were created to vivify the transform(active) methodology with disruptive innovation, linked to reflections on disruptive opportunities and phygital transformation, as well as the inclusion of theories regarding educational innovation. It is evident that texts read were analyzed and interpreted from the unveiling of the contemporary world and the face-to-face, remote, and hybrid modes of teaching and learning, as well as of acting and thinking in different times and spaces. Opportunities for disruptive mental configurations in times of Industry 5.0 in higher education emerge through a real universe that is volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous, fragile, anxious, non-linear, and incomprehensible. It was concluded that further research is needed, and new paradigms need to be legitimized and recognized by the scientific community.
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Technology is a strategy is the title of an article presented in Challenges (2001) and it seems very current if computational resources are support for techniques and applicability in successful and innovative teaching practices, research and extension activities in higher education, however, technology can be differentiated from technique with regard to the application of scientific principles and knowledge.

Neumann, Rauschenberg & Schön (2023, p. 4) wrote that the dynamics of emerging trends and disruptive technologies have increased in recent decades and show the disruptive potential of technologies based on artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT, for higher education, especially in scientific writing.

Approximately twenty years separate the article “A Tecnologia é uma Estratégica” (2001) from the development of ChatGPT. Thereby, the integration of technologies, especially disruptive technologies in higher education curricula, in essence, favors the constitution of the informational world through (info) routes and data culture. The challenge of this integration is in strategy, computational thinking, growth mindset, decision making and understanding opportunities for phygital transformation.

One must understand the reason for this integration and how it can be done so that there are prospects for improving the learning experience through digital strategies in higher education. Although the empirical evidence is difficult to prove, it can be affirmed that the phygital transformation occurs through the teaching action in student learning. It is the digital strategies employed in transform(active) methodologies that usually improve learning experiences.

The concept of transform(active) methodologies was created during the writing of the chapter Institutional Policies for Higher Education, Continuing Education and Innovation: Disruptive Opportunities and Mental Configurations in Physical Transformation [“As Políticas Institucionais no Ensino Superior, a Formação Continuada e a Inovação: As Oportunidades Disruptivas e de Configurações Mentais na Transformação Phygital”], in press, for the book Teacher Training and Innovations in Higher Education [“Formação Docente e Inovações no Ensino Superior”] (2023). Creation is a part that emerged in the investigation with the themes: innovation and in-service higher education teacher training.

When reading the work of Mazur (1997, 2013), it was noticed that the method he named Peer Instruction had a certain limitation in the application of methodology with academics in the discipline, because the intended results involved hands on and prototyping of digital solutions, in addition to the growth mindset and also transcended the methodologies with the name of active, therefore, it was necessary to have a methodology that also contemplated the volatile, the uncertain, the complex, the ambiguous, the fragile, the anxious, the non-linear and the incomprehensible in industry 5.0 in full phygital transformation. The Hellenic language [μεταμορφωτικός] was used to name the procedure for accomplishing.

The transform(active) methodologies are the strategies used in teaching that had the objective of transforming the academic paradigms for the mental configuration for the growth mindset. In addition to encouraging students to participate, to responsibility and autonomy, as in the active methodologies, it was intended to train people for (co) creation, for the culture of data, for the organization of time, to participate in events in the immersive worlds and to be citizens in the phygital transformation.

In transform(active) methodologies, academics learn with problems and simulated situations that are close to reality, however, in simulations, future trends and prospective scenarios are elements of the problem or project to be worked on. Strategic decisions include the future and the phygital factor because what is decided in the present has repercussions for future results.

The stimulus is the gamification, the missions, and the accomplishment of tasks with (co) creation. No idea is discarded at the first moment. The initiative is valued and the role of the leader that does not generate silos emerges. In addition to being responsible for their own learning, academics show prototyped solutions in low fidelity. The professor is always the helmsman in navigating through learning because she makes the guidelines and proposals for routes and personalized itineraries since the rhythms are individual in learning.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Phygital Transformation: It is an expression of a business nature for consultancies and for strategies that involve the analysis and design of experiences that need the physical and the digital to exist in the social and economic conformation. Existence needs changing states and representations in systems that have digital solutions, applications and applicability with physical mechanisms and supports developed for the elaboration of interfaces and immersive resources. It needs development and design for the consumer experience. Contexts are superimposed with digital from the physical with synchronous or asynchronous time. The processes exist for the existence of the journeys that need the four-dimensional for the inseparability of the real with the virtual. The manifestation integrates the experiences with elements of the physical world with the universes created in the digital and highlights the emotions, feelings, behaviors, and attitudes that affect people represented or not by digital humans that can affect other representations in phygital journeys. In phygital transformations, it is necessary to reflect on the opportunities for both worlds, as well as the challenge for advances in the journeys that unite the physical with the digital. It is necessary to situate what results from the fusion of the physical with the digital to mitigate phygital stress in the metaverse ecosystem and in the platforms available for phygital experiences. All phygital impacts must be measured. In phygital business, the change is in the physical and in the digital and in the overlapping of the two universes to aggregate opportunities and mitigate adversities, because well-being is both physical and virtual. It must be recognized that there are many challenges to phygital skills and human capabilities, as well as to the development of the ecology of phygital platforms. The term implies the implementation of disruptive technologies with processes that involve the physical with the digital to maintain competitiveness in highly technological contexts that are in constant change, whether political, social, cultural or economic.

Transform(active) Methodologies: Those are joints with operationalizations, tactics and strategies to identify and understand the methods and approaches to be applied with academics in higher education. The most common objectives are transforming or customizing what exists to improve learning by user or consumer experience and finding solutions to a specific problem with a unique method created by the academic or by the time of academics. Studies with analyzes of methods and results from the application of operationalizations, tactics and strategies with academics can be considered. The results [in points] can be used to increase the individual final average. The application consists of reflecting on the professor’s practice from individual and collective performance of the academics. Engagements can be linked to points or based on the desire to carry out missions. Prototyping proposals that involve engagement can be pivoted countless times. The innovation to think what has not been thought is built throughout the semester. Responsibility for learning becomes solidarity with the actions of the professor and colleagues. The professor is the helmsman in the actions and reactions of the academics since emotional intelligence is always necessary. Disruptive technologies are strategies for creations and (co) creations of digital solutions with strategies that favor hands on and physical transformation. From contents prepared by the professor, the academics have the path that leads to countless pivots before delivering the solutions.

Growth Mindset: It is the mentality of people that involves emotional intelligence and the management of socio-emotional skills for interaction with other people or for personal understanding. Mental settings can occur with management, organization, tactics, strategies and (self) regulation for the constant improvement of personal and professional performance. Among the countless possibilities of the growth mindset, there is personal and professional preservation in adversity and there is emotional control in all situations to which people are exposed. Behavioral psychologists usually report that people who have the growth mindset tend to remain optimistic, however, it is believed people with the growth mindset recognize their own potential and they are sure that the strategies used by them tend to give excellent results. People with a growth mindset are always looking for new personal and professional challenges because they are not afraid of frustrations, since they do not invest in expectations, they use empathy in the relationship. It is customary to make use of the capacity for (anti) fragility and flexibility. Mental health requires attention because the personal demand is great for them and for others. Success is a personal quest and is a great ally of courage. The growth mindset is developed with routine training. Everyone can develop cognitive skills with recurrent practices and training with safe methods by specialized professionals. Both teachers and academics need training to maintain a growth mindset. Failure does not intimidate people with a growth mindset, but long-term feedback and feedforward are necessary for individual performance improvement.

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