Creating Synergic Entrepreneurship as Support of Sustainability: Opportunities and Challenges

Creating Synergic Entrepreneurship as Support of Sustainability: Opportunities and Challenges

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8185-8.ch022
(Individual Chapters)
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Going beyond adapting to the changing world in the globalization environment or finding new solutions for different needs is only possible with a broad perspective. This perspective requires strategically selecting the team members while understanding the principles of an effective team and using a participatory approach, culture, and synergy to guide the team to achieve exponential results. Therefore, entrepreneurs try to seize opportunities and achieve sustainable success by creating a culture that feeds on differences in realizing the business idea. From this point of view, synergistic entrepreneurship, which is one of the types of entrepreneurship that is open to new perspectives and learns from differences, is mentioned. Also, the contribution of a continuous development approach to achieve high performance with innovative solutions is discussed in this chapter of the book.
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Executive Entrepreneur

The introduction of the concept of entrepreneurship, which plays a key role in economic development and social development, is very important to first raise awareness and then to guide people with entrepreneurial intent. Raising the awareness of individuals who want to establish a new business or offer a new or different product to the market due to pushing and attractive factors such as personal and financial goals will firstly benefit individually and then at a macro level.

Key Terms in this Chapter

CP: Cleaner Production is a preventative approach to managing the environmental impacts of business processes and products.

7S Model: The McKinsey 7S model defines seven elements that help organizations achieve goals, implement change, and create harmony; strategy, structure, system, leadership style, shared value, staff, and skills.

Synergy: It is an interaction or cooperation-giving rise to a whole that is greater than the simple sum of its parts.

R&D: Research and development is the process by which a company works to obtain new knowledge that it might use to create new technology, products, services, or systems that it will either use or sell.

MBO: Management Buy-Out is about outsourcing the necessary management team for new investment.

Adhocracy: It is a flexible, adaptable, and informal form of organization that is defined by a lack of formal structure that employs specialized multidisciplinary teams grouped by functions.

MBI: Management Buy-In is about procuring the necessary management team for new investment.

PDCA: Plan, Do Check (Study), Act, also known as the Deming Cycle is a continuous quality improvement model consisting out of a logical sequence of four repetitive steps for continuous improvement and learning.

CSS: A Corporate Synergy System is a management mechanism through which a group of manufacturing companies works together to achieve certain production or management goals.

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