Creating Boundary Spaces Through Virtual Global Engagement: Training Preservice Teachers in Virtual Collaboration

Creating Boundary Spaces Through Virtual Global Engagement: Training Preservice Teachers in Virtual Collaboration

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7813-4.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter explores the theoretical foundation as well as the practice of one model of virtual global engagement for preservice teachers, IGlobal. A virtual, global, teacher-training laboratory centered on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), IGlobal provides online global fieldwork for preservice teachers and professional development for inservice teachers, both domestic and international. Designed specifically for preservice and inservice teachers, IGlobal reimagines virtual learning to create an online international teaching and learning laboratory where all participants gain global awareness, cross-cultural collaboration experience, as well as practice in globally collaborative online teaching and learning.
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This chapter explores the theoretical foundation as well as the practice of one model of virtual engagement for preservice teachers, IGlobal. A virtual, global teacher-training laboratory centered on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) (United Nations, 2018), IGlobal provides online global fieldwork for preservice teachers and professional development for inservice teachers, both domestic and international. In addition, university domestic and international students gain opportunities to work together, and international students also gain connections to the campus community and their home cultures. At the same time, IGlobal creates opportunities for US and international middle school students to collaborate on real-world challenges across languages and cultures. All participants gain experience in global community engagement. Now in its third year, IGlobal has approximately 55 preservice teachers, in partnership with 12 international students, leading over 1200 middle school students from 21 countries.

IGlobal trains preservice teachers to use technology to develop collaboration in highly diverse, multicultural, multilingual and multinational environments. The virtual context creates a boundary space, a third space, where diverse views can thrive. Preservice teachers are partnered with international students and work in tandem with practicing teachers both local to campus and from around the world. Modeling cross-cultural collaboration, they virtually lead groups of multinational middle school students in extracurricular STEAM activities and projects that require cross-cultural collaboration, called here STEAM-C.

It is the multilayered, cross-cultural collaboration that distinguishes IGlobal from other models of virtual exchange, virtual internships, or collaborative online international learning (COIL). Designed specifically for preservice and inservice teachers, IGlobal reimagines virtual learning to create an online international teaching and learning laboratory where all participants gain global awareness, cross-cultural collaboration experience, as well as practice in globally collaborative online teaching and learning.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Chapter Leader: A preservice teacher who leads a group of middle school students from one or more countries in the virtual global engagement project.

Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math, and Collaboration (STEAM-C): An interdisciplinary approach that integrates Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math with a strong emphasis on Collaboration, fostering creative problem-solving, innovation, and cooperative efforts among individuals from diverse backgrounds to address complex challenges and achieve meaningful outcomes aimed at the equitable benefit of all participants.

Third Space: The environment where participants from diverse cultures share and reinterpret ideas, leading to the emergence of a hybridized culture that fosters greater acceptance and open discussion of differences.

Boundary Space: An environment or context where individuals from diverse cultures come together, creating opportunities for exchanging ideas, perspectives, and knowledge, often leading to increased understanding and collaboration.

Virtual Exchange (VE): An educational program or classroom experience that fosters cross-cultural interactions and learning experiences among individuals from different geographic locations using online platforms and communication technologies.

Virtual Global Engagement (VGE): An educationally focused project that involves elements of virtual exchange, virtual internship, and virtual community involvement, facilitating global connections and interactions through digital means.

Digital Divide: A disparity between those who have access to digital technologies and information and those who do not.

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