Corpus-Assisted Multidimensional AI Applications in Language Teaching and an Intelligent Virtual Speaker

Corpus-Assisted Multidimensional AI Applications in Language Teaching and an Intelligent Virtual Speaker

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9893-4.ch004
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The authors propose an evidence-based virtual AI application geared to using a successful implementation of AI for language learners and language teaching professionals and a virtual speaking tool that will serve as a foundation for further research and experimentation. The study promotes interdisciplinary collaboration among corpus linguists, language educators, and computer engineers for fostering the skills and the competences and the exchange of ideas and a shared vision for the future of AI-assisted language learning. The main objective of this action plan is to propose an application in which language teaching professionals and language learners will engage in English-speaking practice through a multidimensional (MD) environment incorporating cubic images and bilateral sound perception (hearing and speaking). The AI application will assign tasks to multidimensional characters using realistic sound effects to create a highly immersive and interactive environment for language teaching professionals.
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1. Introduction

The affordances and benefits of artificial intelligence in education are widely recognized in recent years. Thanks to artificial intelligence (AI, henceforth), it is now possible to create an awareness of knowledge-gap which may aid language learners and language teaching professionals learning and teaching effectively and efficiently by applicable instructions (Chen et al., 2022). Artificial intelligence can not only enhance and personalise the learning environment but also provide language teaching professionals opportunity to regulate the curriculum and assess their students effectively (Chen et al., 2020; Vázquez-Cano, 2021) as well as these professionals have many chances to benefit from artificial intelligence such as making oral assessments, grading in reading, or network for writing. It can also be seen that the use of artificial intelligence plays an important role in improving automation as well as the depth of students in the learning process (Yanhua, 2020).

The popularity of virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI) is rising. Despite the differences between the two new technologies, they complement one another to strengthen ties between people and the digital world. Virtual reality is a method of computer-human interaction where a genuine or made-up environment is simulated. Users continuously engage in interaction and manipulation with this reality. Our study, therefore, particularly promotes interdisciplinary collaboration among corpus linguists, language educators and computer engineers for fostering the skills and the competences as well as the exchange of ideas and a shared vision for the future of AI-assisted language learning.

From a theoretical framework, natural language processing (NLP) is a branch of computer science and artificial intelligence (AI) giving computers ability to comprehend texts and spoken language and produce it in the same way as humans to understand human language better (Torfi et al., 2020). Virtual reality, on the other hand, is generally described as the technology that allows 5-dimensional pictures and animations transformed into the computer environment to help people feel and imagine the presence of a natural environment aided by the latest technology and tools for interaction. We aim to question the potential effects of multidimensional (henceforth MD) virtual reality applications on foreign language teaching and how animations are used effectively in the classroom and web-based distance education processes. The active and effective employment of multidimensional virtual reality in language teaching brings about successful results from various dimensions such as motivation, involvement, task-engagement, and appropriateness for various other intelligence types. The role of virtual speaker agents in enhancing language skills and language learning processes is investigated in this study with a specific focus on the role and function of intelligent virtual speakers on pre-assigned task patterns that ranges from daily conversation to academic discussion in and outside the classroom setting.

Different technological resources are used in today's education and training practices. The wide availability and use of the internet is a significant factor for the development of the significance of these technological resources. Among them are web technologies and programs such as social networking sites, web-based encyclopaedias, weblogs, 5-dimensional multi-user virtual environments, games, and simulations. These technologies provide users with suitable environments for the development of various activities in education and training environments, by allowing multiple uses, containing different types of information at the same time, providing the opportunity to learn and share this information with their communities, all applied in virtual environment. The concept of student-centred electronic learning directs curriculum design to a learning environment that emphasizes reality and interaction. Online virtual reality technology offers a combination of the virtual world and reality in this respect. This reality encourages autonomy, a self-directed and controlled learning method, and provides a representative living process by enabling students to learn and interact. Virtual reality technology in the language curriculum does not only provide real-world-like audio-visual simulations but also combines a virtual and real learning environment for mutual interaction which, in turn, increases students' interest and motivation for learning.

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