Corporate Social Responsibility in Organizations: A Global Perspective – Types, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Corporate Social Responsibility in Organizations: A Global Perspective – Types, Advantages, and Disadvantages

María de la Soledad Zapata Agüera
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 27
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5590-6.ch074
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The European Commission 2011 defines social responsibility as the responsibility of companies for their impacts on society, so it is a complex concept that the authors will define, not only theoretically to give content to this activity but also practical to get to understand the advantages that can be used to use corporate social responsibility, not only at the image level but also at the economic level. Organizations can carry out different types of actions with social responsibility; stations with some advantages can even become a competitive advantage. But not all are advantages for companies when CRS policies are made; there are also disadvantages that must be known by marketing managers. In this chapter they will be developed. Finally, the conclusions of all the above will be presented.
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Corporate Social Responsibility

This section will develop the evolution and the corporate social responsibility concept, as well as the impact that this tool has had in the marketing world.

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