Coronavirus and DNA ADN: The R1b Haplogroup

Coronavirus and DNA ADN: The R1b Haplogroup

Ángel Gómez Moreno
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7987-9.ch006
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This chapter affirms that countries with enviable indicators in development, per capita income, life expectancy, cultural level, human rights, environmental care, etc. are the most affected by the pandemic. The fact that the UK, Belgium, and Spain are failing at the hands of the coronavirus and Syria, Rwanda, or Ethiopia have had hardly any (reported) infections or deaths can be justified in many ways but none of them is convincing. The author suggests that the reason could be that those three European countries have something in common: the shared frequency of the male haplogroup R1b, which in the three aforementioned cases represents over 60% of their population and is also predominant in Western Europe and (because of historical immigration) in most of America. If we put together the map of COVID-19 and the haplogroup R1b, he concludes, we can obtain the following formula: the higher the frequency of R1b, the greater incidence, proven or probable (real or potential), of COVID-19.
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Another factor related to genetic makeup was raised by Cortijo et al. (2020) and Bentrem (2020), who drew attention to the fact that the pandemic hit strongly nations in which the R1b haplogroup, characteristic of Western Europe, predominates. This may explain the high fatality rate in some countries like the UK, Spain, and France. Germany is also a country with a similar predominance of R1b haplogroup, however, it exhibited a relatively lower fatality rate (5%), which could be attributed to the advanced healthcare system.

What are waiting for? Although it was not done when I first suggested it, it must be done now. We need to study if the data about Italy and Belgium are also repeated about Spain. I have reached my limit. Now I am only waiting for the day in which all biological, bacteriological, or viral war laboratories are finally closed. And they should also destroy all the strains (only in the laboratory at Wuhan there were, some time ago, around 1,500). That way China will finally end with all suspicions about the origin of the coronavirus and a long period of peaceful coexistence will be possible for humanity’s sake.

What they cannot ask from us is to be accustomed to a normality referred to by WHO which has announced the arrival of new virus in shorter and shorter cycles. To accept that human predatory behavior towards nature has these consequences is not reassuring. I especially abhor seeing in COVID-19 the reaction of a revengeful nature against the voracity of the human species. If we want to win this war against the coronavirus, we must order the data at hand together with those about ancestry. In this sense, the taxonomic logic requires to go from haplogroups to haplotypes. If we can bring order to what is only apparent chaos, only medical textbooks and history books will ever talk about the coronavirus.

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