Contribution of Disruptive Technologies in Computational Finance

Contribution of Disruptive Technologies in Computational Finance

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1746-4.ch009
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Disruptive technologies have ignited a profound transformation in the landscape of computational finance. As the realms of finance integrate cutting-edge technologies like quantum computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and big data analytics, the limits of financial possibilities are continually being pushed further. As artificial intelligence, blockchain, big data analytics, and quantum computing find their place in the financial realm, the boundaries of what is possible in finance are constantly expanding. This chapter explores the impact of these disruptive technologies on computational finance, dissecting their applications, benefits, challenges, and ethical considerations. By navigating this ever-evolving intersection of technology and finance, the authors gain insights into a future where financial services are more efficient, accessible, and adaptable than ever before. The chapter analyzes the tools for better understanding of the technology in finance domain and provide the trends of research in computational finance space using bibliometric analysis.
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2. Literature Review

Groundbreaking technological innovation along with rapid growth in digitalization of businesses, are occurring swiftly across sectors like global supply chains, high-tech manufacturing, logistics, finance, and healthcare. These cutting-edge technologies are set to profoundly influence Computational Finance and professional practices. Technological advancements such as decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, smart contracts, digital currencies including cryptocurrencies and NFTs, cloud-based accounting, extensive data analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain technology are key drivers of this change.

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