Contemporary Agriculture Marketing Strategies for Smallholder Farmers in a Developing Context: Echoes From Zimbabwe

Contemporary Agriculture Marketing Strategies for Smallholder Farmers in a Developing Context: Echoes From Zimbabwe

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2011-2.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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For millions of people in developing nations, the agriculture industry is essential to their livelihoods, economic growth, and food security. It does, however, confront several difficulties, such as constrained resource availability, inefficient markets, and susceptibility to environmental fluctuations. Within this framework, integrating emerging technology offers a strong chance to transform marketing for agriculture and promote sustainable growth. This chapter explores the revolutionary prospective of using cutting-edge technologies for sustainable agriculture marketing in underdeveloped nations using a case study in Zimbabwe. Through an analysis of the convergence of technology, agriculture, and marketing in the distinctive circumstances of developing nations, the goal is to furnish stakeholders with significant perspectives and useful recommendations for harnessing innovation for the productive transformation of smallholder agricultural marketing practices.
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2. Background And Context

The agricultural sector plays a crucial role in the economic development of developing countries especially sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), by directly providing livelihood to more than 50% of the populace and contributing to food security and the gross domestic product (GDP) (Dethier & Effenberger, 2012). However, smallholder farmers, who constitute the bulk of farmers often face challenges in effectively marketing their products and some of the perishable products end up getting bad before they can get to the market (Musungwini, 2018). In recent years, emerging technologies such as mobile phone applications and social media have revolutionized the way businesses market their products (Musungwini et al., 2022). The book chapter explored how smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe can leverage emerging technologies to successfully market their agricultural products for sustainable development.

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