Consumer Awareness and Perception of Online Services: A Comparative Analysis of Brand Preferences and Decision-Making Processes

Consumer Awareness and Perception of Online Services: A Comparative Analysis of Brand Preferences and Decision-Making Processes

Meenu Kumari, Amit Dutt
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1339-8.ch011
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The advent of the digital age has brought about significant changes in consumer behavior, with online services becoming an integral part of everyday life. This chapter explores the consumer awareness and perception of online services, focusing on a comparative analysis of brand preferences and the decision-making process. By examining various studies and surveys, this chapter aims to shed light on the factors that influence consumer choices in the online service domain and understand how brands can enhance their strategies to attract and retain customers. The chapter concludes with actionable insights for businesses to better align their offerings with consumer expectations.
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2. Consumer Behavior In The Digital Age

2.1 Shift in Consumer Behavior in the Digital Era

The advent of the digital era has dramatically reshaped consumer behavior, fundamentally transforming how consumers interact with businesses and how they make purchasing decisions. The increased ubiquity of internet access, coupled with the widespread adoption of smartphones and other digital devices, has made online services more accessible and convenient than ever before (Morgan-Thomas & Veloutsou, 2013).

These developments have given rise to a new breed of consumers known as 'digital consumers.' Digital consumers are characterized by their heavy reliance on online platforms for information, communication, and transaction (Van Dijck, 2013). They are tech-savvy, informed, and demand convenience, personalization, and instant gratification (Huang & Benyoucef, 2013). Their behaviors are shaped by the abundance of information and choices available online, their interactions with brands and other consumers on social media, and their experiences with e-commerce and other online platforms (Lamberton & Stephen, 2016).

Furthermore, consumers in the digital era are increasingly relying on online reviews and recommendations from peers before making purchase decisions, a behavior known as 'social commerce' (Hajli, 2015). They also exhibit a high level of comfort and trust in online transactions, leading to increased online spending and loyalty towards online brands (Kumar & Reinartz, 2012).

As a result, businesses are required to adjust their strategies and practices to align with the behaviors and expectations of digital consumers. Understanding these shifts is crucial for businesses looking to succeed in the digital marketplace.

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